Message from @DickshittingCunt
Discord ID: 521580719907143680
"problematic" was a huge buzzword a couple years ago
Not a server thing, just a general internet thing
it still kinda is
shut up nigger
The Migration pacts getting signed today
Im fucked knackered
"nigger" is a buzzword that never died out
i know what that meanw
get some rest
Worked from 6:30 til 7:30. I feel *great*
@MiTHMoN it's relevant because it's relevant
Take it easy cunts
KnowYourMeme is a cancer that deserves to burn in hell
Night tea
Later tea
Oh great, cunts are already turning that chick who got murdered in NZ into a "women are the most targeted when travelling"
how in the fuck did that happen so quick
Literally fucking retard power
And a stupendous amount of idiots.
I've been a male my whole life and I've literally never been murdered while travelling
"Taken as I arrived into Auckland alone as a backpacker in 2015. Let women have adventures without fear of male violence #HerLightOurLove 💔"
Yes, but what if it was a woman...
Then it would just read without fear of violence
pretty much
I mean, women _are_ more targetted, cause they are easier targets. A solo 5'2 twink would also be an easy target
that isn't sexism
Manlets out
But aye, am a bit sick of the uwu poor me am victim thing
Good luck targetting this fucker for a mugging
I just think it's sad how scared women are. Like, yeah you can be a target, but just man up and learn to defend yourself
Yo Tex what’s up