Message from @Flat Earth PhD

Discord ID: 661523392121536522

2019-12-31 10:55:10 UTC  

but if nobody catches it

2019-12-31 10:55:14 UTC  

then nobody knows

2019-12-31 10:55:18 UTC  


2019-12-31 10:55:37 UTC  

just because something gets published doesn't mean it's correct. even with peer review

2019-12-31 10:55:38 UTC  

we just have to deal with the fact we may be wrong on things

2019-12-31 10:55:59 UTC  

it's a flawed system

2019-12-31 10:56:01 UTC  

thats why i never have absolute certainty

2019-12-31 10:56:07 UTC  

conflicts of interest

2019-12-31 10:56:08 UTC  

its the best system we have

2019-12-31 10:56:27 UTC  

doesn't matter

2019-12-31 10:56:35 UTC  

its not necessarily flawed because it can reach wrong conclusions

2019-12-31 10:56:54 UTC  

it's pointless talking to you

2019-12-31 10:57:01 UTC  

you dont have the ears to hear

2019-12-31 10:57:06 UTC  

i hear you

2019-12-31 10:57:12 UTC  

but you aren't listening

2019-12-31 10:57:17 UTC  

you are just arguing

2019-12-31 10:57:19 UTC  

bcs of pride

2019-12-31 10:57:24 UTC  

the sin God hates the most

2019-12-31 10:57:24 UTC  

sorry if my certainty might sound like arrogance, its just part of my belief, I believe its a form of power, we call it yaqeen in arabic

2019-12-31 10:57:27 UTC  

you are arguing that science is flawed
i would sgaree to an extent because it can reach wrong conclusions

2019-12-31 10:57:47 UTC

2019-12-31 10:58:06 UTC  

@ibn la'ahad why would nasa lie?

2019-12-31 10:58:18 UTC  

why wouldn't they ?

2019-12-31 10:58:24 UTC  

@Flat Earth PhD whats the point in pointing out that science can be wrong?

2019-12-31 10:58:56 UTC  

@H8mz88 they are a government agency, i dont think it will go well with the public if they lie

2019-12-31 10:59:13 UTC  

just because it can be wrong dosnt mean it should be thrown out

2019-12-31 10:59:21 UTC  

Yes, you are right

2019-12-31 10:59:41 UTC  

it is a point to not be absolutly certian based on science

2019-12-31 11:00:08 UTC  

anyone notice a few......protests....popping up around the world? I'm starting to think the cattle are waking up and it's not going so well

2019-12-31 11:00:16 UTC  

but just a hypothesis 🙂

2019-12-31 11:00:18 UTC  

Hi Gilgamesh

2019-12-31 11:00:27 UTC  

ello 👋

2019-12-31 11:00:32 UTC  

you asked my why I think nasa would lie

2019-12-31 11:00:34 UTC  

@Flat Earth PhD what was your goal in bringing up that science can be wrong?

2019-12-31 11:00:43 UTC  

Yes, you are right

2019-12-31 11:01:01 UTC  

so you arent going to answer me

2019-12-31 11:01:12 UTC  

yes, you are right

2019-12-31 11:01:16 UTC  

il have to conclude you just intended to waste my time

2019-12-31 11:01:17 UTC  

why wouldn't they, perhaps theres a lot to gain

2019-12-31 11:01:27 UTC  

or a lot to lose

2019-12-31 11:03:41 UTC  

if only they werent so secretive and allowed people to travel and discover, they banned travel to Antarctica right ?