Message from @Kaden

Discord ID: 665762972936830999

2020-01-12 01:02:53 UTC  

define universalist

2020-01-12 01:03:09 UTC  

Poincaré was known as the last universalist

2020-01-12 01:03:14 UTC  

-define Universalist

2020-01-12 01:03:14 UTC  

**Universalist**: One who [genuinely] empathizes with others who [belong] to a certain [religion].
*Tim: Man, [I can't stand] those [damned] [Jews]! They gonna drive me crazy!
Brad: Yeah, why can't they all be Universalists?*
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2020-01-12 01:03:21 UTC  

Because he excelled in all fields of science

2020-01-12 01:49:39 UTC  

You can't say people that accept everyone's religion don't exist you haven't met everyone, also there is a definition for it so most likely it has been used to discribe someone at one point

2020-01-12 03:40:06 UTC  

@Citizen Z why debate

2020-01-12 03:40:39 UTC  

*wanna* i mean

2020-01-12 03:43:03 UTC  

define ur mom

2020-01-12 03:43:10 UTC  

no u

2020-01-12 03:43:10 UTC  

@mc crafting1 I'll debate with you if you believe in anything that goes against the laws of nature on Earth

2020-01-12 03:43:13 UTC  

-define ur mom

2020-01-12 03:43:13 UTC  

**Ur Mom.**: Ur Mom- a common [comeback] for when someone says....[practically] anything [to you]
*Person 1:Hey Carl Whats up?
Person 2:[Ur mom].

Person A:I had [spaghetti] last night.
Person B:I had Ur mom last night.

Joe:Im so [worn out] from basketball..
Carl:Im worn out from Ur mom.*
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2020-01-12 03:43:36 UTC  

go to the debate voice chat

2020-01-12 03:43:44 UTC  

-define ace of space

2020-01-12 03:43:45 UTC  

**Space Ace**: the alter ego of [Ace Frehley] of kiss. [Frehley] the coolest cat out there and the word should never be used [in a bad way]
*[Ean] [dressed] as Space Ace for [Halloween].*
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2020-01-12 03:44:02 UTC  

-define aidan

2020-01-12 03:44:02 UTC  

**Aidan**: Meaning "[Fiery]" in [Gaelic], this name tends to be reserved for boys. Often times, those with the name Aidan are caring, and will cause you, without fail, to smile whenever you are down. "Aidan" may seem strange at first, but quickly you [discover] that he is very easy to love.
*"He seems weird"
"Maybe, but [I love him]. He always makes me [smile]. His [name's] Aidan"*
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2020-01-12 03:44:07 UTC  

Cant I'm not allowed to because my parents don't want me awake rn

2020-01-12 03:44:16 UTC  

Yes I have a cool name

2020-01-12 03:44:22 UTC  

-define kaden

2020-01-12 03:44:22 UTC  

**Kaden**: Kaden is a super [nice person], and is always trying to have fun. He loves his [Gf] and will do anything for his friends, family, and [gf]
*You know Kaden? He’s [the super] [hunky] and [totally cool] and popular and really nice*
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2020-01-12 03:44:26 UTC  


2020-01-12 03:44:44 UTC  

Yours is very true for Kadens I know

2020-01-12 03:45:13 UTC  


2020-01-12 03:45:23 UTC  

;define the oracle

2020-01-12 03:45:29 UTC  


2020-01-12 03:45:34 UTC  

-define the oracle

2020-01-12 03:45:35 UTC  

**The Oracle**: A synonym for the interwebs, especially when used to seek very specific information for the purpose of [settling] an argument, [wager], or simply to satisfy the randomly curious mind.

The Oracle is rarely consulted within the confines of a [sketch pad], such as a crack house.
*person a: 'When did [George W. Bush] get busted for cocaine [possession]?'

person b: 'I don't know - let's [ask The Oracle]!'
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2020-01-12 03:46:11 UTC  

It was in the matrix

2020-01-12 03:46:33 UTC  

-define flat earth

2020-01-12 03:46:34 UTC  

**Flat Earth**: noun

The act of not [liking] the reality of something so [deliberately] denying it's existence for [personal gain].
*[Anne] didn't like her homework so she flat [earthed] it. As a result she [flunked] her test.*
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2020-01-12 03:46:42 UTC  

Well then

2020-01-12 03:46:47 UTC  

Thats interesting

2020-01-12 03:46:54 UTC  

-define school

2020-01-12 03:46:55 UTC  

**School**: A complete and utter waste of precious childhood.
You wake up at six in the morning to go to a building which resembles a [federal prison]. There, you go from class to class, repeating the same thing over and over every day. You get obsolete, [inconsequential] bullshit shoved down your throat by people who are only there for the money and time off. Then, you get tested on this bullshit, and if you fail because you don't understand, then that's too bad, which totally defeats the purpose of learning anyways. Meanwhile, you are forced to interact with mindless clone bot teenagers who only care about drugs, sex, and the mall. And if that's not enough, they send you away with more bullshit, also known as homework, to do during your only free time at home when you could be pursuing your own interests that might at some point be relevant to the life you want to lead instead of the one the fucking government chooses for you. In the future, you will never need to know quadratic formulas and geometry unless you plan on becoming a [mathematician]. To sum it all up, school is a big competition [to weed] out the "smartest" people who the government hopes will one day take reign over their [cesspool] of fucking moronic imbeciles which is leading our country to hell. Our only hope is that one day someone who can see through this will break free from this [penitentiary] and make some much needed reforms.
*If you ever need to know anything they teach you in school [in real life], there's this [nifty] [little thing] called GOOGLE.*
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2020-01-12 03:47:01 UTC  

^^^ facts

2020-01-12 03:47:03 UTC  


2020-01-12 03:47:19 UTC  

-define life

2020-01-12 03:47:19 UTC  

**life**: The [meaningless] [void] between [birth] and death.
*[Life's a bitch], [and then] you [die].*
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2020-01-12 03:47:30 UTC  

-define sex