Message from @GandalfTheGreen
Discord ID: 674737564552396806
Nothing new.
They just gave you a name.
"Reptilian" is the same thing.
people in the past saw things falling from the sky
way past
animals too
take a look at the world around you.
The Creation.
Life comes from the inside, and works it's way out.
More like
"space" is just the nucleus of earth.
so they live under our plane? are they hiding?
They've given you a TV show to distract you from the lie.
And at the same time,
So they can have a "bad guy" to fight against.
All the while, the outside party, the "Custodians" get to watch the pawns fight.
so creation is made up?
Any religious story on creation is a falsity.
but how do this world formed then?
Motivated purely by the idea of some sort of afterlife.
i mean we as humans have no actual idea thats 100% acurate that describes how we formedor the atoms formed that exist in our bodies so we dont completely know (altough evolution seems the most likely
This world is formed through light in wavelength, vibration, and frequency.
One day, it will cease to exist, by a reversal of those 3 things.
uhm natura forces really
by accident? like the big bang? and life formed suddenly?
"sudden" is a perspective
What is "sudden" to us, may take eons for others.
What is "sudden" to others, may be eons for us.
life cannot form from pre-biotic chemstry its inpossible
jeah sudden can be thousands of yearss
Dog years VS people years, etc.
I don't believe in "impossible"
Only the unkown.