Message from @Logrian

Discord ID: 690342978329247745

2020-03-19 23:12:58 UTC  

so what do ships disappear over?

2020-03-19 23:16:27 UTC  

so no glob then

2020-03-19 23:16:28 UTC  


2020-03-19 23:16:33 UTC  

welcome to flat earth

2020-03-19 23:16:55 UTC  


2020-03-19 23:17:38 UTC  

youre horizon is PHYSICAL, the PHYSICAL water of land that obstructs view dependent of OH depends on the GH distance, this cannot MOVE one inch if R was a thing

2020-03-19 23:24:26 UTC  

what do you guys think the moon is

2020-03-19 23:24:47 UTC  


2020-03-19 23:26:30 UTC  

sorry youre too dimm to understand

2020-03-19 23:32:09 UTC  

How do you guys explain there being a fixed point in the star trails in the northern and southern hemispheres

2020-03-19 23:33:37 UTC  

and the fact that they rotate in the complete different direction

2020-03-19 23:33:43 UTC  

in the southern hemisphere

2020-03-19 23:34:22 UTC  

doesnt really matter what else is there, its proven flat 😉

2020-03-19 23:34:44 UTC  

If its flat how can this happen though. Entertain me

2020-03-19 23:35:25 UTC  

work like an axle of a car, so the stars move around us, fixed at two points, depending on where you look gives you the angle an view

2020-03-19 23:35:42 UTC  

jump in vc

2020-03-19 23:36:06 UTC  

I'd rather not, it's quite full

2020-03-19 23:36:22 UTC  

ye, ask Chris, he'd know more than I would

2020-03-19 23:36:27 UTC  

and besides I think my roommate is sleeping

2020-03-19 23:36:31 UTC  

we're v civil here

2020-03-19 23:36:39 UTC  

where earphones

2020-03-19 23:36:51 UTC  

Its not you, I have a loud voice lol

2020-03-19 23:37:28 UTC  

no worries

2020-03-19 23:37:35 UTC  

you qwuarantined yet?

2020-03-19 23:40:12 UTC  

No, I'm not ill. haha. It doesnt work though is my point, the fixed points are one when you look south in the southern hemisphere and one when you look north in the northern hemisphere.

2020-03-19 23:40:49 UTC  

So if you look at a diagram of the flat earth

2020-03-19 23:42:41 UTC  

the southern hemisphere sorrounds the northern hemisphere in a ring shape, but south is always looking away from the center of the flat earth. That means whenever you look away from the center of the flat earth in the southern hemisphere you see the fixed point

2020-03-19 23:43:03 UTC  

Where is the fixed point then? The flat earth predicts in every direction

2020-03-19 23:43:07 UTC  

which makes no sense

2020-03-19 23:43:43 UTC  


2020-03-19 23:43:51 UTC  

just another thing we're gannah no kno

2020-03-19 23:43:53 UTC  

oh well

2020-03-19 23:44:15 UTC  

whereas on a globe model this makes 100% sense

2020-03-19 23:45:28 UTC  

So at least looking at the stars it seems like the earth is a globe

2020-03-19 23:49:42 UTC  

not really

2020-03-19 23:49:52 UTC  

as we know its flat

2020-03-20 00:04:43 UTC  


2020-03-20 00:45:21 UTC  
2020-03-20 00:45:23 UTC

2020-03-20 00:45:53 UTC  

So how will you measure the shadow