Message from @Slash

Discord ID: 651774185659432970

2019-12-04 13:13:44 UTC  

it's the heart of the Beast

2019-12-04 13:13:46 UTC  


2019-12-04 13:14:25 UTC  

the top of the banking pyramid

2019-12-04 13:14:39 UTC  

Though, going on my observations on being to both oceans, and then also visiting many places in-land, and the fact that Kentucky gets a wide verity of weather- I never see the shrinking effect.

2019-12-04 13:14:55 UTC  

I'll go ahead and go one more step forward with the experiment I'm going to do

2019-12-04 13:14:59 UTC  

Nope neither have I

2019-12-04 13:15:03 UTC  

I'm also going to record humidity and temp

2019-12-04 13:15:26 UTC  

well you would have to know the humidity and temp across the path of light. not easy to do...

2019-12-04 13:15:33 UTC  


2019-12-04 13:15:34 UTC  

Kentucky gets a huge amount of veriations in weather

2019-12-04 13:15:45 UTC  

Same where I live

2019-12-04 13:15:51 UTC  

it's easier if it's a huge flat plain over similar land. e.g. African plains

2019-12-04 13:16:06 UTC  

We have a 75 degree Celsius temperature range yearly

2019-12-04 13:16:08 UTC  

That's why I'm going to just record the overall temp and humidity

2019-12-04 13:16:18 UTC  

-40 in winter to 35 in summer

2019-12-04 13:16:40 UTC  

go for it. I encourage experimentation. it's one thing I like about flat earth. it's getting people off the couch and doing experiments!

2019-12-04 13:16:44 UTC  

-30F, up to 100F

2019-12-04 13:17:10 UTC  

Humidity also changes a lot

2019-12-04 13:17:20 UTC  

so people who have never been trained in science are learning about the scientific method. it's cool.

2019-12-04 13:17:40 UTC  

certainly more educational than video games...

2019-12-04 13:17:55 UTC  

I already knew the scientific method,but I just figured you would never accept my word because apparently my memory is sh*t

2019-12-04 13:18:25 UTC  

I don't go by anyone's word. I go by data. and whenever possible I try to collect my own

2019-12-04 13:18:29 UTC  

I just hope my phone doesn't run out of space lol

2019-12-04 13:18:42 UTC  

well...not sure your phone is the best tool

2019-12-04 13:19:13 UTC  

Flat earth can I send the pictures and stuff to u so I can then delete the pictures to not waste space. I don't have a camera

2019-12-04 13:19:18 UTC  

I'm not a photographer

2019-12-04 13:19:32 UTC  

Hardly know how to use a propper camera, I don't like them at all

2019-12-04 13:19:57 UTC  

I dont have space either. I'm filling it up with YT videos that I'm downloading prior to the purge

2019-12-04 13:20:05 UTC  

in fact I will need to go buy another drive soon

2019-12-04 13:20:10 UTC  

But for this, I'm just doing basic pictures so that we can then compare size

2019-12-04 13:20:40 UTC  

tbh it's probably going to be difficult. even globers will say you need a solar filter or it's useless

2019-12-04 13:20:46 UTC will need to do this regularly over a year

2019-12-04 13:20:52 UTC  

to make it meaningful....

2019-12-04 13:20:58 UTC  

And I'll try to take 3 (sun rising, above head, sun setting) exact picture each season so we can compare location

2019-12-04 13:21:37 UTC  

you certainly can. But I won't be able to draw many conclusions probably as I don't have a map I would trust

2019-12-04 13:21:39 UTC  

Nothing fancy

2019-12-04 13:22:02 UTC  

But size comparison is the big thing, that u shouldn't need anything special

2019-12-04 13:22:09 UTC  

ah ok

2019-12-04 13:22:42 UTC  

I'll probably scrap the exact locatiom, but just take notes about exactly where is see the sun set when standing at a certain location

2019-12-04 13:48:41 UTC  

Hmmm, trying to figure out how to work something into my life, sadly I might only be able to take sunset pictures until summer but that's all I should need from winter

2019-12-04 13:49:23 UTC  

Because even just that will show how the sun doesn't change size, thus, breaks how perspective works