Message from @BND

Discord ID: 673257615064694816

2020-02-01 19:59:18 UTC  

Yes it is, lol.

2020-02-01 19:59:39 UTC  

Have a great day. Thank you for forfeiting the debate.

2020-02-01 19:59:44 UTC  

@Derek Nelson tell me, how can every planet be a globe, but the Earth is Not?

2020-02-01 19:59:52 UTC  


2020-02-01 20:00:59 UTC  

I think i killed him

2020-02-01 20:01:05 UTC  


2020-02-01 20:01:10 UTC

2020-02-01 20:01:11 UTC  

@BND prove that earth is a planet spinning around

2020-02-01 20:01:38 UTC  

1. We have observed a meteor hitting the earth and forming a crater. We have observed the alien material left behind by these meteors (meteorite). We know this is alien material because it can only be naturally found in meteor sites.

2. As seismic waves pass through the Earth, they are refracted, or bent.
Because the speed of the seismic waves depends on density, we can use the travel-time of seismic waves to map change in density with depth, and show that the Earth is composed of several layers.

3. The example you use to dismiss isotopic dating as "flawed" consists of a scientist using a sample of dacite which was known to being formed from a 1986 magma flow. You need to have a basic understanding of the radiometric dating technique used called K-Ar, or potassium-argon. This dating technique depends on the fact that the radioactive isotope of potassium, 40K, naturally decays into other elements, as do all unstable radioactive elements. You need to have a statistically meaningful amount of argon before your result would be considered significant. Below about 10,000 years, potassium-argon results are not significant; there's not yet enough argon created. 

4: It is not true that a meteor always hits at a 90 degree angle. Craters are formed from blast impact. While most of the craters have a circular size, there have been craters observed with a elliptical shape.

5: What we have observed is that particles smaller than 6mm clump together to form bigger rocks, and that rocks that are bigger, pull more objects towards them, in a low to no gravity environment. @He Cute

2020-02-01 20:01:46 UTC  

Air is a fluid but the particles are so far apart that it doesn't obstruct vision

2020-02-01 20:01:50 UTC  

Prove that the Earth is Flat @He Cute

2020-02-01 20:03:16 UTC  

The earth is a hexagonal decahedron prove me wrong

2020-02-01 20:03:38 UTC  

The Earth is a T Rex shaped Chicken nugget

2020-02-01 20:03:42 UTC  

Prove me wrong

2020-02-01 20:04:38 UTC  

@Derek Nelson The density of water and air are different

2020-02-01 20:04:48 UTC  

This man gets it

2020-02-01 20:04:48 UTC  

And they're not made of the same substance either

2020-02-01 20:04:49 UTC  


2020-02-01 20:05:10 UTC  

Try breathing water lol

2020-02-01 20:05:19 UTC  

Do Flat Earthers even have Basic knowledge

2020-02-01 20:05:23 UTC  


2020-02-01 20:05:40 UTC  

How did he Not realise density exists

2020-02-01 20:06:06 UTC  

@BND it has became so basic that u need to get off ur high horse and actually point out the scientific discoveries that led us to obtaining this """"basic knowledge""" in the first place

2020-02-01 20:06:42 UTC  

Oh wait they did a 5 minute Google search now they are more qualified than Scientist who Studied for years

2020-02-01 20:07:11 UTC  

@Derek Nelson of the estimated 7.7 billion humans on Earth, only 1.5 million are confirmed to be flat earthers. That means that 7.7 billion humans accept the globe earth as a reality, and have been doing so for a very, very long time (since the 17th century). Flat earth as we now know it only began to reapear now with the teach your kid at home rights in the US. The fe community totals roughly 0.0001% of the human race. So no derek, the burden of proof lies on ***your*** shoulders as a brand new theory, not on the shoulders of the theory on which modern technology is based on and has been systemically proven since the 17th century.

2020-02-01 20:07:15 UTC  

Even scientists who studied for years need to point out where they got their data from and how it is verifiable

2020-02-01 20:07:24 UTC  

@windmill man 1. Where have we observed a meteor hitting the earth and forming a crater. Expand on what material that is found in meteor sites.

2. Do you have proof of that?

3. I'm talking about the mount St-Helene eruption where scientist found with isometric dating that the rocks were more than a million years old when they were just formed that moment, please focus on that instead of switching subject.

4. Where have we found elliptical shaped craters on earth?

5. Where's the proof of that?

2020-02-01 20:07:37 UTC  

Did you realise

2020-02-01 20:07:50 UTC  

That meteors still hit the Earth today?

2020-02-01 20:08:11 UTC  

He didn't but u dont have to mock him for it

2020-02-01 20:08:23 UTC  

How does an elliptical shaped crater prove flat Earth lmao

2020-02-01 20:08:43 UTC  

@He Cute St Helens did not create new Rocks are you stupid?

2020-02-01 20:08:54 UTC  

He just proved himself wrong

2020-02-01 20:08:58 UTC  

No he didnt

2020-02-01 20:09:46 UTC  

A volcano eruption brings up molten Rocks that already exist for billions of years

2020-02-01 20:10:10 UTC  

@He Cute do you believe Mars is flat

2020-02-01 20:10:19 UTC  

It doesnt create new matter

2020-02-01 20:10:37 UTC  

We just destroyed the Flat earthers xd

2020-02-01 20:12:26 UTC  

Id say that their silence says it all 😂

2020-02-01 20:12:34 UTC  

I agree

2020-02-01 20:12:45 UTC  

Can someone explain the ice wall lmao