Message from @Master Chief

Discord ID: 682206285932003378

2020-02-26 12:24:36 UTC  

Because saying **motion doesnโ€™t exist** is a pretty bold statement. *(Pun intended)*

2020-02-26 12:31:07 UTC  

@Boften_jkl I have never muted someone for disagreeing with me. I mute people for bad behavior

2020-02-26 12:36:15 UTC  

There's recently been a resurging problem with globies which they will say "you're deflecting" "where's your proof" and other stuff like "wow you muted me, just goes to show that you're turning into what you fight for" I'm beginning to think the amount of paid agents has increased. They always spit words out of their mouth, never provide any research, links, pictures or real arguments aside from the following
1. You're retarded
2. You're deflecting
3. You're mirroring the exact thing you chose to destroy
or similar.
These are most likely agents and the recent number of them is shocking. In every server too. If they're not agents, then they're so far into cogdis, they need to go through before speaking because I'm sure they believe 9/11 was run by osama bin-ladin because he hates america.

So that's my conclusion
This resurgence of people fighting for the globe are either government paid agents, or have no idea what truth/conspiracy means.

2020-02-26 12:38:01 UTC  

And you're toxic lmao

2020-02-26 12:38:52 UTC  

there is NO motion, proven so many times

2020-02-26 12:39:17 UTC  

@lukethiel you are so right

2020-02-26 12:39:25 UTC  

lots of paid trolls

2020-02-26 12:39:52 UTC  

@admins need to show the join log.

2020-02-26 12:39:53 UTC  

I found out from a gamer frient that just for World of Warcraft there are around 10,000 paid trolls/agents. $20/hr

2020-02-26 12:40:11 UTC  

What are they paid to do in wow?

2020-02-26 12:40:18 UTC  

to deflect any truth topics

2020-02-26 12:40:24 UTC  

just like they do here

2020-02-26 12:40:27 UTC  

ok, ill stream world of warcraft tomorrow

2020-02-26 12:40:34 UTC  

we'll check

2020-02-26 12:40:35 UTC  

vaxxing, 9/11, flat earth, you name it

2020-02-26 12:40:48 UTC - hop in chat and give me topics, and ill go on wow and test it

2020-02-26 12:41:14 UTC  

lol. sounds good ๐Ÿ™‚

2020-02-26 12:41:33 UTC  

vaxxing will be a good one. that's one of the hottest MSM topics

2020-02-26 12:43:10 UTC  

I've also been compiling a user role profile for obvious trolls/agents here to look for patterns. and it's now pretty obvious how to spot them, just from their roles

2020-02-26 12:43:35 UTC  
2020-02-26 12:44:13 UTC  

What if you spot someone whose roles are the same with the trolls but aren't really trolls?

2020-02-26 12:44:23 UTC  

That's the issue

2020-02-26 12:44:24 UTC  

prove yourself

2020-02-26 12:45:02 UTC  

for the flat earth topic, I say you are guilty until proven innocent ๐Ÿ˜‚

2020-02-26 12:45:11 UTC  

bcs it's the most trolled truth topic in history

2020-02-26 12:45:12 UTC  

last time i asked someoen to prove themselves, they spammed pings " @lukethiel @lukethiel @lukethiel " or spammed racist words or similar.

2020-02-26 12:45:18 UTC  
2020-02-26 12:45:27 UTC  

yeah I'm starting to get more aggressive on the ban hammer

2020-02-26 12:45:31 UTC  

we don't have time for such nonsense

2020-02-26 12:45:34 UTC  

this is serious

2020-02-26 12:45:45 UTC  

The agents are there to sow dissent, and will say those things "You're the one whos trolling" etc.

2020-02-26 12:45:51 UTC  


2020-02-26 12:46:00 UTC  

and plant seeds of doubt for any newcomers who are actual truth seekers

2020-02-26 12:46:12 UTC  

though we don't get so many here unfortunately

2020-02-26 12:46:13 UTC  

If some globies get caught in it, then it's their own fault for being morons and believing authority figures.

2020-02-26 12:46:30 UTC  

yep. casualties of war

2020-02-26 12:46:40 UTC  

The truth folder is always there as well as my website

2020-02-26 12:46:50 UTC  

we truly are at war here

2020-02-26 12:46:55 UTC  

but not against flesh and blood

2020-02-26 12:47:08 UTC

2020-02-26 12:47:30 UTC