Message from @William F.

Discord ID: 682257220523524169

2020-02-26 16:03:29 UTC  

Did NASA themselves admit it or was it the astronauts themselves?

2020-02-26 16:03:54 UTC  

NASA did themselves by releaseing the film reel to Bart.

2020-02-26 16:04:01 UTC  


2020-02-26 16:04:01 UTC  

I saw stories from astronauts saying that aliens exist and that NASA was paying them to keep it a secret

2020-02-26 16:04:11 UTC  

Aliens are a PsyOp

2020-02-26 16:04:20 UTC  

an astronots are freemasons more often then not

2020-02-26 16:04:22 UTC

2020-02-26 16:04:25 UTC  

Those stories just decreased my trust in them more

2020-02-26 16:04:26 UTC

2020-02-26 16:04:35 UTC  

the whole of the NASA spacerocketry was run by a freemason

2020-02-26 16:05:37 UTC  

luckily some of them still have a moral compass

2020-02-26 16:05:51 UTC  

Does that mean the Soviets haven't been to space or that humanity itself hasn't been to space

2020-02-26 16:05:57 UTC  


2020-02-26 16:05:59 UTC  


2020-02-26 16:06:03 UTC  

there is no space

2020-02-26 16:06:18 UTC

2020-02-26 16:06:18 UTC

2020-02-26 16:06:19 UTC

2020-02-26 16:06:32 UTC

2020-02-26 16:06:37 UTC  

I always believed that there was space but that it was nothing like NASA described

2020-02-26 16:06:39 UTC  

space is a lie to hide the firmament

2020-02-26 16:06:46 UTC  

gas pressure needs a container

2020-02-26 16:07:29 UTC  

What is the firmament made of? Is it like an eggshell or more of a film over the earth?

2020-02-26 16:07:45 UTC  

we don't know. not enough $$$ to find out

2020-02-26 16:07:56 UTC  

a viscous type material, but who know for sure

2020-02-26 16:08:14 UTC  

we don't receive $55,000,000/day like NASA

2020-02-26 16:08:26 UTC  

Have any anti-NASA people tried to find out, aside from the guy a couple of days ago?

2020-02-26 16:08:31 UTC  

watch those

2020-02-26 16:08:34 UTC  


2020-02-26 16:10:00 UTC  

DO you think that the people who saw things like the Space-X launchings were paid to lie about the rockets passing through the atmosphere?

2020-02-26 16:10:20 UTC  

They didnt go out of the atmosphere

2020-02-26 16:10:49 UTC  

They went on a arched trajectory. Up then back down

2020-02-26 16:10:53 UTC

2020-02-26 16:10:56 UTC  

I heard from some of the people who were there that they did. I had a suspiscion that they were lying about it.

2020-02-26 16:10:58 UTC  

No we dont think regulator ppl lie

2020-02-26 16:11:00 UTC

2020-02-26 16:11:38 UTC

2020-02-26 16:11:43 UTC