Message from @Flat Earth PhD

Discord ID: 682905489704878099

2020-02-28 03:06:10 UTC  

Light bending around an object due to refraction

2020-02-28 03:09:33 UTC  

Below the floor of the tank, the ball is still visible.

2020-02-28 03:30:47 UTC  

bruh its called perspective for that picture above lol

2020-02-28 03:56:05 UTC  

It’s not perspective, the light literally bent downward. You can look at the video if you doubt it

2020-02-28 03:56:53 UTC  

It goes over really basic stuff in the beginning but you can skip ahead about 8 minutes in for the actual demonstration

2020-02-28 03:59:28 UTC  

damn i didn't know the atmosphere was made of sugar, cool experiment. how likely is it that light will perfectly bend alongside the curve of the earth every time?

2020-02-28 04:04:28 UTC  

It doesn’t, and this is only meant to prove that light can bend around a curve.

2020-02-28 05:36:58 UTC  

@RadRhys this doesn't prove light bending around a curve? It IS what IS bending and curving. Not what is bending and curving around something 🤔🤔

Wtf is wrong with glober logic and dissernment? It applies it in any way it can to assert whatever BS narrative they need to defend from the testable, observable, measurable, witnessed reasons to apply critical thinking with scrutinised questioning about it. So what does a key board glober do to defend their beliefs rather than apply the critical thinking or scrutiny themselves?

Prove light can bend images in proper viewing form n fashion around a curve by showing light itself curving lol. Yes flatties know light is not of constant speed that can be measured as absolute in our experience. We can measure it in medium specific conditions. But cannot simply apply calculations of speed n distances when the mediums are themselves not truly proven or even agreed upon by your own preachers.

Light bends horizons over the horizontal curvature to create another form of apparent horizons does it lol

2020-02-28 05:59:49 UTC  

Coronavirus Hits High School United States High School Shuts Down HAZMAT TEAM DEPLOYED TO CLEAN SCHOOL Teacher infected with possible coronavirus students sent home

2020-02-28 09:21:45 UTC

2020-02-28 10:26:21 UTC  

Can I flat earther please explain to me how seasons work on a flat earth model. I'm very curious

2020-02-28 10:35:30 UTC

2020-02-28 10:35:43 UTC

2020-02-28 10:35:49 UTC  


2020-02-28 10:36:45 UTC  

not that it will matter to you

2020-02-28 10:36:52 UTC  

bcs <:trolled:555217274907262976>

2020-02-28 10:38:54 UTC  

I'm most definitely not here to troll

2020-02-28 10:40:25 UTC  

Okay, that model would explain why the seasons change, but could you tell me why the sun would change its course of rotation at regular time intervals?

2020-02-28 10:40:34 UTC  

What force is making the sun do that

2020-02-28 11:02:36 UTC  

what do you mean it's course of rotation?

2020-02-28 11:03:08 UTC  

you mean how the sun actually works? what it is? what keeps it up there etc? if so.... we don't know.

2020-02-28 11:03:42 UTC  

we don't have NASAs $55,000,000/day to spend on actual research

2020-02-28 11:04:04 UTC  

we have to do the best we can with whatever extra $$ we have in our bank account...

2020-02-28 11:04:51 UTC  

that's why we don't have all the answers. science can be expensive. esp when we're talking about stuff we can't easily access like up there

2020-02-28 11:06:03 UTC  

No, I asked why the sun would change its path like that to cause the seasons

2020-02-28 11:06:24 UTC  


2020-02-28 11:06:29 UTC  

I just answered that

2020-02-28 11:06:35 UTC  

stop looking up.

2020-02-28 11:06:37 UTC  

start looking down

2020-02-28 11:06:42 UTC  

That's not an answer

2020-02-28 11:06:49 UTC  

It's an excuse as to why u don't have an answer

2020-02-28 11:06:55 UTC  

stop trolling

2020-02-28 11:06:56 UTC  


2020-02-28 11:07:05 UTC  

I'm not trying to troll

2020-02-28 11:07:12 UTC  

bull 💩

2020-02-28 11:07:16 UTC  

last warning

2020-02-28 11:07:37 UTC  

I'm legit trying to understand the flat earth model

2020-02-28 11:07:44 UTC  

But whenever I doubt it I get told I'm trolling

2020-02-28 11:08:00 UTC  

you are.

2020-02-28 11:08:21 UTC  

Then explain to me how I'm trolling and I won't do it again