Message from @Tea
Discord ID: 525282685493575691
Mac miller is doing great, I've been sober since last night
@YeetshirtNinja <:mutt:437128773788237824>
Mack miller is a retard
and not funny
FUck inb4 me
hey how you doing fellas
still the best webm
@Tea what you do for work
Pump your mum.
dislocating jaws
@greydudebro Security.
same stuff
aye but in a Christmas market yah poof
Double nice
No really, like. I know someone who works in the Edinbrugh Christmas market and I wouldn't do it. Simple.
I'm struggling to find work in this crackhead filled town
sell crack
Best job.
Biggest thonk
You'll never be out of a job then
cant you work in another city? thats what i do
if you sell hard drugs enjoy the sting of a knife a needle or a gun
When the closest city is a five to six hour trip. Yeah no
become the local weed man. can't garantee you gonna make a lot of money, but shit, could be fun, right?
Country Australia sucks ass
thats an oof
Weed is extremely profitable in the UK.
Selling hard drugs in America must be brutal
you do it here and shit you're fine
Might get a kickin but that#s about it tbh
In America all that gang shit, etc.
Don't they still have RICO laws?
Selling drugs in India is fucking easy
Yeah you'd be fucked in America.
Literally and figuratively