Message from @Dimorac
Discord ID: 525358726178406402
I feel fucking nasty for doing this
Avengers: endgame
What a cringefest this is
I agree stop
Whisky you're 12
Fuck off
Lmao wrong channel
That was unnecessary
I’ll cave your head in with a potato masher
Even as a joke, I feel nasty
Fuck sake. this is why I hate most of you.
Tea, you hate everything
I do.
Here you go guys
Our fucking Walfare in the UK
is fucking huge!
Dimorac lemme smash
It's like nearlly 1/4 of the budget
+kick @Rebelriot "fuck up cunt!"
Defence compared to Welfare
For example in the UK you can come over here, and get a operation all on the NHS
I understand if you have an accident, or something and it's bad
*deleted and blocked*
Welfare has always been a big budget due to labour. Wouldn't blame immigration
but if you come over here, have a infection or need anti-biotics
Can’t we just round up welfare user and send them to Germany?
You should have to pay for it, or your health insure
National debt is the same size as education rip
not just the NHS fucking people
Wouldn't blame immigration though.
For example you see the defence size on the chart