Message from @Dimorac
Discord ID: 525359778768093216
For example, I'm not allowed a extra room in my flat, for my disabled equipment
just don’t give them benefits
That isn't how it works. Women who have a husband who work can't claim benefits
e.g. Standing frame, medical equipment, and my FES bike
do Muslim women go on welfare?
but if you're Muslims, and on benefits and also in a council flat
plus thee inbreed with cousins and cause congenital birth defects in their kids, who need massive NHS help
You're allowed a extra room
If they have a husband that works I mean
as a prayer room
which is also exempt from tax 100%
why tho
Inbreeding in islam/muslims is a massive tghing
it's so bad in the UK and london
Can I be a Muslim?
culture cucked
that 1 in 5 children in the UK from Pakistani parents
are born with birth defects
Like I have seen geezers play the system. But that Muslim women with husbands claiming benefits isn't a thing. Cause there is a threshold
In the middle east it's between 40-50%
with first cousin marriages
Yep, and with all the Pakistanis coming over to London
they come over get citizenship
No incest here
then they bring over there family
when i say family, I don't mean mother/fatheer/grandad
I mean cousins sister, secxond cousins
they bring over there whole family
What like 600 people?
So 1 person comes over and migrants
they bring between 10-15 of there "family"
For the past 20 years, we've allowed 300k people from Muslim countries
They make up 5% of our population
Once they get a foothold, the extended family can apply for easier educational visas
muslims in the UK make up 5 % of our population, yet with childrapists and grooming gangs 84% of them are muslim
Also in maxamium security prisons, Muslims make up 60% of the population