Message from @toxic
Discord ID: 526967198288183307
If you bombard Thorium with neutrons, it beta decays into U233 which is fissile
They made a test nuke out of U233 and it worked
@toxic same dude same
probably causes cancer in california
Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment
Everyone in Cali is cancer @Thotticus Shotticus
You meaning Consol gaming?
yeah, i mest some califags recently
@spiritupgrades yea I played console my entire life
until now
Hheeyy Welcome to reality my friend
@toxic same
i'm installing Wolfenstein 2 and i'm quite excited
good game
haven't played it yet lmao
I just started playing PC for real only4-5 years
I heard
It has a very high critical mass though
May I suggest startdew valley
Or Seven days to die
stardew valley fun AF
and 7days too
yeah like when I had my weak pc I played through half life and hl2, and yeah i'll probably end up playing stardew bc people say it's good
It’s not because we say it’s good because it is
it real good
But the important thing is you can make bomb materials out of a semi-common metal within a nuclear reactor
yeah, right now I kinda wanna play cuphead
Have you heard of a game called dead by daylight?
good one too
Finally someone else has heard it
I actually played that but it seems like more of a pc title than console