Message from @Dimorac
Discord ID: 526973876408680449
Haha, I see what you mean data.
***give me your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle***
so pro bowling suffers from the same curse as the speedrunning community?
Melts like.
loks lik it
since half of their community wants one made at one point
How's work Tea?
Tiring. Had to go fix a tire down at the other hotel. Guy wants to leave because sick.
sounds like work
Sick sick or "sick"?
he gon' puke
oh god i just realized the year's almost fucking over
it's gone so fast
or he is full of himself
the weight of this event's just struck me
Dim go sleep.
+kick @Thotticus Shotticus "autism"
Easier said then done bud
Boy you on discord.
Ain't helping.
Ive bee looking at the wall for the past 5ish hour
So opened it up on my mobile
You have it fucking hard Dim.
You get any sleep the night before or this another night of no sleep?
Yeah a little bit honestly, better then nothing
data i knew you were gay, but that guy aint attractive
jesus Christ look at the forearm on that lad
72 hr no sleep means clinicially insane
Aye better then nothing.
No it doesn't lol! @Thotticus Shotticus