Message from @Crawfoot
Discord ID: 526975179310628916
Merry xmas.
thank you guy
same to you
If your birthday is on September then definitely
It's not midnight yet, ya dingus!
@Arabman123 Merry Christmas my dude
I’d rub his balls
His bowling balls
be careful data
if he touched your testies he might get bowling flashbacks and hurl you across the floor
***big ol cornfed ass nigga that gotta walk through doors sideways***
He kinda looks like a downie
@everyone im not even very active on here but genuinely everyone have a Merry Christmas
@Arabman123 I KNEW IT
You take that bag you fuckin raghead
@Arabman123 I thought that as well tbh
thank you lil suafed, very cool
biggest damn forehead in the game
I think it's the eye brows that does it
with a head lookin like a bowling pin
And here I thought he looked more Spanish lol
In all seriousness he’s a great bowler
The ridged brow does it
@Nip Crippler thats what we said
Neanderthal looking ass
Well the Spanish are downies so not wrong @Nip Crippler
i dont doubt it
I bowl like a dog speaks
why are you so fucking fascinated about bowling all of a sudden, data
Glad we're all on the same page here at least
I’m sick at bowling ngl
I've always been average. Just a matter of paying attention to my form, just like golf.
More I pay attention, the better I do
@Nip Crippler thats how id o it as well
ultra instinct bowling