Message from @ComradeChaos

Discord ID: 690646806559719444

2020-03-20 15:24:06 UTC  

the only people that know what's up are on the fringe of society.
People that aren't afraid to entertain "forbidden" ideas.

2020-03-20 15:24:08 UTC  

@TheChristmasCrusader there was never one

2020-03-20 15:24:40 UTC  

i like cock

2020-03-20 15:26:27 UTC  

?detain @Spicy

2020-03-20 15:26:27 UTC  

**@Spicy** has been detained.

2020-03-20 15:26:49 UTC  

this sounds like some Jewish question shit tbh

2020-03-20 15:27:49 UTC  

?detain @Spicy

2020-03-20 15:27:49 UTC  

**@Spicy** has been detained.

2020-03-20 15:31:04 UTC  

Yes, it's up to independent media/journos to educate, as well as the individual to critically think for themselves and question near everything that is spoke by modern media.

2020-03-20 15:32:47 UTC  

Even call out independent media if any facts are incorrect to let them know that just because they aren't mainstream, they still have a standard to maintain

the mainstream media is either just giving a dumb population what it wants or it too is made up of idiots because they're from the same dumb population.

2020-03-20 15:46:18 UTC  

Anyone who trusts the mainstream news media anymore is simply an idiot they lie, exaggerate, smear etc

2020-03-20 15:48:40 UTC  

Now as for the question I donā€™t think the entertainment industry does it intentionally but instead they seek to have the largest amount of people be their audience so they boil everything down to the lowest common denominator they donā€™t intentionally go out to make people dumb itā€™s just they make dumb content to appeal to more people

2020-03-20 16:03:30 UTC  

Naive, yes. Dumb, idk. There's do much info in the world, these days...

2020-03-20 16:07:08 UTC  

Yeah, pretty much

2020-03-20 16:23:04 UTC  

It's about generational conditioning, eventually a vast majority of humans will have little net economic benefit to our society as AI and Robotics become better. They need to be conditioned to become more and more compliant so there is no revolt. Throughout history many rebellions have begun because slave labor displaced too many skilled and unskilled free workers. Hell in part unemployment helped take down the Roman Republic by opening the door for a populist like Caesar to grab power.

2020-03-20 17:25:27 UTC  

Definitely all this shit they throw out is just a puppet show to keep the public away from the truth of the inner workings

2020-03-20 19:42:27 UTC  

Yes, people are heavily brainwashed and socially conditioned

2020-03-20 19:50:58 UTC  

@Lekka you may find this interesting

2020-03-20 19:52:46 UTC  

mind fog

2020-03-20 19:52:48 UTC  


2020-03-20 19:52:59 UTC  

They're using it like a reverse scrying mirror

2020-03-20 19:53:03 UTC  

Imprinting us

2020-03-20 19:53:29 UTC  

but yeah ive heard of stuff like this, even a case of some israeli company that made a machine that can cure depression or even change aspects of ones personality

2020-03-20 19:53:41 UTC  

using different wave frequencies

2020-03-20 19:54:02 UTC  

>>They predominantly originate from theĀ occipital lobeĀ during wakeful relaxation with closed eyes. Alpha waves are reduced with open eyes, drowsiness and sleep.

2020-03-20 19:54:06 UTC  

Eyes wide shut, so to speak

2020-03-20 19:55:12 UTC  

theres a movie by that name, stanley kubricks last because he had information on all the shit that went on in hollywood

2020-03-20 19:55:41 UTC  

Yeah, he said Hitler was right about basically everything which I found pretty amusing

2020-03-20 19:57:15 UTC  

his white side woke up

2020-03-20 19:57:19 UTC  
