Message from @OrthoGoat

Discord ID: 681194518590259213

2020-02-23 17:10:26 UTC  

Also most of those conquests was funded by religious institutions that murdered the Templars and stole the banks. Government is literally a religious puppet. It says so on most currencies.

2020-02-23 17:13:28 UTC  

After all the murdering was done they built tons of colonies and collapsed European communities to force migration to a "promised" land. Shortly after the term slave was identified as civilian or being civilized. The rest savages. But what do I know.

2020-02-23 17:32:12 UTC  

@SavvyPun How does Racism protect cultural identities? How does prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior does such thing?

2020-02-23 17:33:23 UTC  

It forces cultural identities to defend where they come from.

2020-02-23 17:34:19 UTC  

Forming social cultural bonds among any given race being slandered.

2020-02-23 17:34:28 UTC  

It's true that most cultures originate from a group of people that come from the same race, but racism doesn't protect the identity of the culture. Couldn't a person of a different race assimilate into that culture without hurting its identity?

2020-02-23 17:34:54 UTC  

Many black people are Christian and have assimilated into the Christian culture, without hurting its identity, for example.

2020-02-23 17:35:56 UTC  

Let's take USA for instance. The Africans don't even defend African culture. Through the period of persecution a new cultural identity was found and now they protect that.

2020-02-23 17:36:53 UTC  

I mean the whites forced their own culture onto them, and I'm pretty sure they were racist.

2020-02-23 17:37:24 UTC  

Things are steering every direction with culture of course. But the universe does the same.

2020-02-23 17:38:03 UTC  

My point is that a culture can be made up of people from different races. Therefore racism won't protect its cultural identity.

2020-02-23 17:38:28 UTC  

Well yes and no. It's always complicated because there is a positive and negative in every thing.

2020-02-23 17:39:11 UTC  

True, but I believe that the positives outnumber the negatives in this case.

2020-02-23 17:39:32 UTC  

I disagree and so does physics

2020-02-23 17:39:58 UTC  

The Americas have done this and the outcomes are pre visible. The ones that didnt mix their societies are doing the best while places like mexico which had native and colonist nationalism (as one) are shitholes

2020-02-23 17:42:08 UTC  

The America's did nothing but defend their land. The European communities did it all.

2020-02-23 17:42:27 UTC  

I don't get how Physics is involved into a cultural matter.

@OrthoGoat As I said, when the Europeans brought black slaves from Africa to the Americas, they forced them to assimilate into their cultures and religion. And they were pretty racist. Therefore it's not racism which protects a cultural identity.

2020-02-23 17:43:06 UTC  

firstly that was jews lol. Secondly what do you mean by racism?

2020-02-23 17:43:19 UTC  

Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

2020-02-23 17:43:36 UTC  

alright well then racism is easily justified

2020-02-23 17:43:49 UTC  

and i dont see the reason why one would debate this since its pointless

2020-02-23 17:43:57 UTC  

@Koninos everything is energy. Even a thought is energy. Energy is comprised of a equal positive and negative in a loop. When it becomes more negative than positive, it implodes. More positive, it explodes. It's the laws of physics.

2020-02-23 17:44:39 UTC  

firstly they were slaves, and the assimilation meant things like getting educated, which about 20% of slaves received. Secondly their original societies were complete failures

2020-02-23 17:44:45 UTC  

We're literally talking about the effects of racism on culture. If you can't see why we're debating this, you might as well leave. @OrthoGoat

@SavvyPun Okay... Your point?

2020-02-23 17:44:57 UTC  

The simple equation e=mc (squared) says fathoms

2020-02-23 17:45:00 UTC  

What kind of education though?

2020-02-23 17:45:06 UTC  

I dont see why youd make the point that something is racist in the first place

2020-02-23 17:45:30 UTC  

The good Christian education, which forced black slaves to abandon their original culture and religion, and to assimilate into the European cultures and religions.

2020-02-23 17:45:39 UTC  


2020-02-23 17:45:53 UTC  

the culture of being succesful and the religion of god

2020-02-23 17:45:57 UTC  

2 gifts

2020-02-23 17:46:02 UTC  

Yes, that's pretty much not protecting one's cultural identity.

2020-02-23 17:46:09 UTC  

And that act stemmed from racism.

2020-02-23 17:46:16 UTC  


2020-02-23 17:46:18 UTC  

Therefore racism doesn't protect cultural identity.

2020-02-23 17:46:25 UTC  

i think they should preserve theyre culture

2020-02-23 17:46:27 UTC  

Wait which societies failed? Because there's structures built we can't even replicate.

2020-02-23 17:46:30 UTC  

im not for assimilation

2020-02-23 17:47:06 UTC  

We're not talking about failed societies at the moment, I believe

2020-02-23 17:47:15 UTC  

The natives are quite racist

2020-02-23 17:47:24 UTC  

Yeah they are