Message from @AH-64

Discord ID: 687931849800155136

2020-03-13 07:53:34 UTC  

especially in capitalism

2020-03-13 07:53:38 UTC  

free markets

2020-03-13 07:53:45 UTC  

@trash_bandicoot I'm not interested in learning. I'm interested in concluding

2020-03-13 07:53:50 UTC  


2020-03-13 07:53:55 UTC  

That was a retarded thing to say

2020-03-13 07:54:17 UTC  

It's like saying you are not interested in lifting, only in being swole

2020-03-13 07:54:24 UTC  

Not really

2020-03-13 07:54:32 UTC  

And you AntiLiberty, you also work in retail?

2020-03-13 07:54:34 UTC  

But whatever you want

2020-03-13 07:54:39 UTC  


2020-03-13 07:54:41 UTC  

I don't work

2020-03-13 07:54:44 UTC  


2020-03-13 07:54:45 UTC  

I leech of the system

2020-03-13 07:54:45 UTC  

@OrthoGoat the more knowledge you have of different topics the closer you get to said truth

2020-03-13 07:54:48 UTC  


2020-03-13 07:55:06 UTC  

Then what would you know about success?

2020-03-13 07:55:18 UTC  

lmao common sense hello?

2020-03-13 07:55:25 UTC  

You think it's about conformism because that's convenient for you to think

2020-03-13 07:55:31 UTC  

i dont need to be a top ceo of a company to know its hard

2020-03-13 07:55:32 UTC  

@trash_bandicoot no. One will never reach true knowledge until he has a complete world view using his current knowledge. Once all the connections are formed within one's mind, then is he to learn more

2020-03-13 07:55:34 UTC  

You are just too unique to succeed, huh?

2020-03-13 07:55:49 UTC  

@AH-64 no, not really. It's because that's how humanity works

2020-03-13 07:56:06 UTC  

What do you guys say? Cope?

2020-03-13 07:56:11 UTC  

Groups of humans form characteristic traits and force each other into following and having said traits

2020-03-13 07:56:15 UTC  

I agree with you I’m the same way @OrthoGoat but you have to keep all doors open

2020-03-13 07:56:25 UTC  

@trash_bandicoot no I really don't

2020-03-13 07:56:30 UTC  

No one is forcing me to

2020-03-13 07:56:45 UTC  

Fact is, you are jobless, and you think people who succeed must be conformists.

2020-03-13 07:56:49 UTC  

That's as self-serving as it gets

2020-03-13 07:56:55 UTC  


Retail doesn't teach you to care about how other perceive you

2020-03-13 07:57:09 UTC  

It's the most antithetical field to that except like pick packing I guess?

2020-03-13 07:57:11 UTC  

Until debunked successfully obviously @OrthoGoat but all new information should be considered until truly proven one way or another

2020-03-13 07:57:13 UTC  

@AH-64 you're basically saying it's personal experience which isn't logic or evidence. Making your argument worthless

2020-03-13 07:57:41 UTC  
2020-03-13 07:57:42 UTC  

Saying personal experience is worthless is what armchair intellectuals do

2020-03-13 07:57:54 UTC  

@AH-64 no it's what people with an iq over 90 do

2020-03-13 07:58:10 UTC  


2020-03-13 07:59:09 UTC  

Depends on the claim. If Shaun had said he was working in a field that's actually competitive, I'd have listened to him. Not conceeded defeat yet, but still.

2020-03-13 07:59:33 UTC  

Concede defeat mortaL!

2020-03-13 07:59:34 UTC  

@AH-64 basing your world view on credibility is a personal problem

2020-03-13 07:59:54 UTC  

When a doctor tells you eating too much pasta harms you, his credentials should be good enough for you.