Message from @OrthoGoat

Discord ID: 687933282075148318

2020-03-13 07:56:55 UTC  


Retail doesn't teach you to care about how other perceive you

2020-03-13 07:57:09 UTC  

It's the most antithetical field to that except like pick packing I guess?

2020-03-13 07:57:11 UTC  

Until debunked successfully obviously @OrthoGoat but all new information should be considered until truly proven one way or another

2020-03-13 07:57:13 UTC  

@AH-64 you're basically saying it's personal experience which isn't logic or evidence. Making your argument worthless

2020-03-13 07:57:41 UTC  
2020-03-13 07:57:42 UTC  

Saying personal experience is worthless is what armchair intellectuals do

2020-03-13 07:57:54 UTC  

@AH-64 no it's what people with an iq over 90 do

2020-03-13 07:58:10 UTC  


2020-03-13 07:59:09 UTC  

Depends on the claim. If Shaun had said he was working in a field that's actually competitive, I'd have listened to him. Not conceeded defeat yet, but still.

2020-03-13 07:59:33 UTC  

Concede defeat mortaL!

2020-03-13 07:59:34 UTC  

@AH-64 basing your world view on credibility is a personal problem

2020-03-13 07:59:54 UTC  

When a doctor tells you eating too much pasta harms you, his credentials should be good enough for you.

2020-03-13 08:00:02 UTC  

At least if there isn't too much at stake

2020-03-13 08:00:12 UTC  

@AH-64 yes. But this isn't a doctor appointment. This is a debate

2020-03-13 08:00:30 UTC  

Have any of you ever debated outside discord?

2020-03-13 08:00:35 UTC  


2020-03-13 08:00:39 UTC  

What sort of lawyer do you want to be?

2020-03-13 08:00:50 UTC  

Do you want to be a low level clerk forever?

2020-03-13 08:00:50 UTC  

@OrthoGoat be careful navigating your way to truth and understanding. Don’t let bias get in your way it will keep you from truth

2020-03-13 08:01:04 UTC  

>Low level clerk
No, lawyer. Told you.

2020-03-13 08:01:15 UTC  

@trash_bandicoot ofc. That's logical and knowledge I already possess

2020-03-13 08:01:23 UTC  

Yeah, what sort

2020-03-13 08:01:25 UTC  

What field

2020-03-13 08:01:44 UTC  

@AH-64 you wanna be a special fag and a lawyer? Never gonna make it

2020-03-13 08:01:53 UTC  

@OrthoGoat don’t be so sure of yourself @OrthoGoat it is a very intricate and fragile journey

2020-03-13 08:01:57 UTC  

I already have my license

2020-03-13 08:02:03 UTC  

I don't "want" to be a lawyer, I am

2020-03-13 08:02:09 UTC  

I mean

2020-03-13 08:02:14 UTC  

As in, I've been to court, even deconstructed a few witnesses

2020-03-13 08:02:14 UTC  

No one has gotten to it yet

2020-03-13 08:02:21 UTC  

@trash_bandicoot nah I think I'm good tbh. I've been through this many times. My iq is above 120

2020-03-13 08:02:29 UTC  


2020-03-13 08:02:31 UTC  

What field

2020-03-13 08:02:36 UTC  

@OrthoGoat that is the issue though

2020-03-13 08:02:40 UTC  

@AH-64 wow you're insane so your iq is 95

2020-03-13 08:02:45 UTC  

We talking maritime, prosecutions, international etc

2020-03-13 08:02:54 UTC  

There's lotsa different kinds

2020-03-13 08:03:02 UTC  

Lawyering isn't homogenous

2020-03-13 08:03:09 UTC  

obsessing about iq is kinda cringe

2020-03-13 08:03:10 UTC  

@OrthoGoat your sureness is going home you back

2020-03-13 08:03:21 UTC  

@trash_bandicoot confidence is backed up