Discord ID: 692756792681431092

2020-03-26 15:24:34 UTC  

You had the scraps man.

2020-03-26 15:24:40 UTC  

Very true

2020-03-26 15:24:47 UTC  

I do love Poland.

2020-03-26 15:24:53 UTC  

more than the average African
I heard that some leaders can't even keep a country together

2020-03-26 15:25:11 UTC  

Those that could fly escaped to the UK and then joined the Royal Air Force to keep fighting.

2020-03-26 15:25:24 UTC  

I have nothing against Poles

2020-03-26 15:25:40 UTC  

Good, cos they fuck you up.

2020-03-26 15:25:59 UTC  

They build the greatest farming empire in south africa.
Just to end up like this

2020-03-26 15:26:10 UTC  

that's mostly due to bad leadership

2020-03-26 15:26:23 UTC  

South Africa and Zimbabwe at some point managed to feed the rest of Africa

2020-03-26 15:26:46 UTC  

They gave blacks the right to rule and in a matter of years it went to shit

2020-03-26 15:26:48 UTC  

Africans usually grow their own produce

2020-03-26 15:27:02 UTC  

Unless when you guys came you burned the land

2020-03-26 15:27:25 UTC  

not sure about the South Africans but the Rhodesians quietly left

2020-03-26 15:27:29 UTC  

or rather

2020-03-26 15:27:36 UTC  

armed thugs showed up and threw out anglo farmers

2020-03-26 15:27:50 UTC  

Zimbabwe went to shit because of mugabes stupid policies, not even the blacks in Zimababwe liked them or him

2020-03-26 15:27:51 UTC  

They got conquered

2020-03-26 15:28:03 UTC  

the whites got too nice

2020-03-26 15:28:08 UTC  

because they didn't want to be branded racist

2020-03-26 15:28:10 UTC  


2020-03-26 15:28:11 UTC  


2020-03-26 15:28:21 UTC  

Whites were killing blacks for peaceful protests

2020-03-26 15:28:29 UTC  

Then mugabe decided it had to end

2020-03-26 15:28:37 UTC  

Then he conquered them

2020-03-26 15:29:09 UTC  

Why can’t South Africa be like Namibia, where both the blacks and whites live peacefully and no one fucks with the other

2020-03-26 15:29:17 UTC  

@Dooberson ingrained racial hatred

2020-03-26 15:29:29 UTC  

@Doobersonwhites in Namibia are probably nicer

2020-03-26 15:29:31 UTC  

That's y

2020-03-26 15:29:33 UTC  

the current president happily sang a song to call for the death of the boere

2020-03-26 15:29:45 UTC  

As he should

2020-03-26 15:29:45 UTC  

honestly The Netherlands should take the Boere back and let South Africa starve

2020-03-26 15:29:53 UTC  

They are invaders after all

2020-03-26 15:30:08 UTC  

invaders that managed to introduce agriculture

2020-03-26 15:30:31 UTC  

So how were the africans eating before?

2020-03-26 15:30:34 UTC  

Agriculture was already really a thing by the time they came

2020-03-26 15:30:40 UTC  


2020-03-26 15:30:41 UTC  

African societies didnt need anything from Europe

2020-03-26 15:30:50 UTC  


2020-03-26 15:30:52 UTC  

thing is that only works until a certain point

2020-03-26 15:31:01 UTC  

Europe ruined the African way of life