Discord ID: 692760007783088139

2020-03-26 15:38:39 UTC  

a lot of them were educated

2020-03-26 15:38:54 UTC  

it also doesn't take a super genious to figure out how to work a train.

2020-03-26 15:39:03 UTC  

There was ample opportunity to learn, this was rejected in favor of equal representation right fucking now.

2020-03-26 15:39:04 UTC  

@Iron what happened was that greedy rulers were put in power in several countries and ruined them before they even had a chance or europe/america intervened and placed a horrible ruler.

2020-03-26 15:39:09 UTC  

> The west pumps the equivelant of multiple marshall plans into Africa each year
@Ronin Sure after they stole trillions in resources and got free labor for 400 years

2020-03-26 15:39:22 UTC  

That is why america is the greatest nation and not the Netherlands

2020-03-26 15:39:34 UTC  

America made things worse

2020-03-26 15:39:39 UTC  

They insisted, they pleaded, they said if we put people in power without education this would happen.

2020-03-26 15:39:46 UTC  

a lot of European nations wanted to slowly decolonize

2020-03-26 15:39:54 UTC  

but the US led UN told us to fuck off in a year or so

2020-03-26 15:39:58 UTC  

you're also forgetting Asia

2020-03-26 15:40:01 UTC  

@Roninbecause of fear of Revolution

2020-03-26 15:40:03 UTC  

So you got people barely able to run a garden and put them over entire nations.

2020-03-26 15:40:08 UTC  

we did the same shit in Asia yet they aren't a shithole

2020-03-26 15:40:15 UTC  

People starved.

2020-03-26 15:40:17 UTC  

Hell look at Burkina Faso under Sankhara, He made Burkina Faso Self sustainable in food, and then the with the help of the french he was killed and replaced, and soon, Burkina faso went to shit and needed aid

2020-03-26 15:40:21 UTC  

In the 1970s, only 43.5% of African children attended school, while only 3.9% of these children enrolled in secondary school. @Ronin

2020-03-26 15:40:22 UTC  

@Roninasia was helped to rebuild

2020-03-26 15:40:38 UTC  

I was talking about places like Indonesia

2020-03-26 15:40:43 UTC  

not Japan

2020-03-26 15:40:56 UTC  

@Roninindonesia has black asians

2020-03-26 15:41:00 UTC  

the Dutch fucked off from Indonesia in 1946.
And it became a functional nation

2020-03-26 15:41:04 UTC  

Still not a win for your argument

2020-03-26 15:41:09 UTC  

how so?

2020-03-26 15:41:58 UTC

2020-03-26 15:42:02 UTC  

The dutch implemented forced cultivation in Indonesia, leaving much of population uneducated and more than a majority of Indonesian land for cash crops

2020-03-26 15:42:07 UTC  

China was at war with itself for a very long time and they managed to become an economic superpower

2020-03-26 15:42:21 UTC  

@Roninwith the help of the Soviet union

2020-03-26 15:42:25 UTC  

@Asdrubal then why did Indonesia rebuild while Africa is doing badly?

2020-03-26 15:42:25 UTC  

And others

2020-03-26 15:42:39 UTC  

Menelik claims that Europeans just stole and destroyed stuff

2020-03-26 15:42:48 UTC  

while doing the same in Asia didn't result in as much suffering

2020-03-26 15:42:52 UTC  

@Ronin Indonesia has better economic opportunities then Africa

2020-03-26 15:43:05 UTC  

More importantly because European business was driven away

2020-03-26 15:43:22 UTC  

Europeans are still exploiting Africa's natural resources

2020-03-26 15:43:23 UTC  

> @Asdrubal then why did Indonesia rebuild while Africa is doing badly?
@Ronin africa is not doing as bad as you think

2020-03-26 15:43:43 UTC  

didn't you also claim that europeans stole everything??

2020-03-26 15:43:52 UTC  

Great, how many peopls starved to make this?

2020-03-26 15:44:00 UTC  

@Roninstole natural and human resources

2020-03-26 15:44:05 UTC  
2020-03-26 15:44:09 UTC  

@MENELIK THE IMPENETRABLE use but Africa is still incredibly held back by European Neo Colonialism