Message from @Ater Votum

Discord ID: 688741983162073213

2020-03-15 13:28:18 UTC  

Please make a decision that will determine the rest of your life, whether you like it or not.

2020-03-15 13:28:27 UTC  

Your moral law is absolute indeed, but also stupid.

2020-03-15 13:28:45 UTC  

I think there should be SOME exceptions, but other than than divorce should be illegal

2020-03-15 13:29:12 UTC  

Why so?

2020-03-15 13:29:29 UTC  

Why force people to remain unhappy for the rest of their lives?

2020-03-15 13:29:51 UTC  

If your wife’s a cheating prostitute she should be shot, same with and abusive husband

2020-03-15 13:30:29 UTC  

Because marriage shouls be held as something of upmost important not just something you can undo with a few signatures

2020-03-15 13:31:11 UTC  

So instead of undoing it with a few signatures, you deem the execution of the wife or husband a better way to end the marriage?

2020-03-15 13:31:33 UTC  

Yet again, you didn't answer my question. **Why force people to remain unhappy for the rest of their lives?**

2020-03-15 13:31:38 UTC  

If shes a whore and hes and abuser yes

2020-03-15 13:31:47 UTC  

I did answer your question

2020-03-15 13:31:53 UTC  

It's her choice to be a whore, i can't see why she shall be shot.

2020-03-15 13:32:03 UTC  

Because shes a whore

2020-03-15 13:32:15 UTC  

"Because marriage is of upmost importance" isn't an answer.

2020-03-15 13:32:28 UTC  

So we should shoot whores?

2020-03-15 13:32:32 UTC  


2020-03-15 13:32:35 UTC  


2020-03-15 13:33:46 UTC  

Because whores are sexually promiscuous, materialistic, and overall a drain to society. They cant properly raise children, and many are mentally ill

2020-03-15 13:34:13 UTC  

So you deem the execution of whores as a better solution, than trying to rehabilitate these whores?

2020-03-15 13:34:44 UTC  

You cant rehabilitate 200 cocks in your loose pussy man

2020-03-15 13:34:44 UTC  

@Sentient23 so are u saying to make sure you want to stay with that person??

2020-03-15 13:35:12 UTC  


2020-03-15 13:35:18 UTC  

@Lekka I'm afraid that rehabilitation isn't about the physical dimension, but about the mental one.

2020-03-15 13:35:19 UTC  

I don't understand the question

2020-03-15 13:35:20 UTC  

before wedding

2020-03-15 13:35:46 UTC  

Unless the whores are permanently mentally damaged, which is untrue, they can and should be rehabilitated.

2020-03-15 13:37:00 UTC  

Yes i know, i was just saying that. Why waste your tome rehabilitating a whore when theres a perfectly good 9mm waiting for her. Same thing goes with men that are such. Remove those genes out of the gene pool ffs

2020-03-15 13:38:21 UTC  

You're not wasting your time rehabilitating prostitutes. Instead, you are contributing to the well being of your society, and try to make them useful not only to society, but to themselves also.

2020-03-15 13:38:34 UTC  

And I'm afraid that prostituting has nothing to do with genes.

2020-03-15 13:38:44 UTC  

Youre also contributing to the well being by removing them all together

2020-03-15 13:38:58 UTC  

What can a whore do that a normal healthy woman cant?

2020-03-15 13:39:36 UTC  

Their yet temporary removal can actually help the society once, but their rehabilitation helps the society thrice.

2020-03-15 13:39:43 UTC  

What's better? Help society once or thrice?

2020-03-15 13:40:19 UTC  

And what can a normal healthy woman do that a prostitute can't?

2020-03-15 13:42:28 UTC  

I'll go eat breakfast and respond to you once and if you respond.

2020-03-15 13:42:32 UTC  

Yes and far more, but as i said why waste your time rehabilitating? Its far more effective and cheaper to just shoot em.

2020-03-15 13:45:11 UTC  

`` Why force people to remain unhappy for the rest of their lives?``

this is an emotional argument based off your subjective moral principles. same as the religiously motivated argument this guy is making about shooting whores. its a non-argument. Divorce should be illegal (with expections obviously in cases of abuse, marital rape etc.) because of the statistically proven fact of how much of an effect it has on the child in the relationship.

2020-03-15 13:46:07 UTC  

Im not arguing from a religious perspective what

2020-03-15 13:46:49 UTC  

yeah nvm, i got you mixed up with ofvo

2020-03-15 13:47:40 UTC  

I hate looking at things from a purely utilitarian perspective but in this case such outlook is valid

2020-03-15 13:47:55 UTC  

Also in the spiritual sense whores are useless