Message from @Aftermath
Discord ID: 688886699480449208
Lekka doesnt actually understand what fascism is. he gets all his information from these like 4 books written in 2014 by an edgy group of larpers called Iron March who essentially have just played way too much DnD @Avgvstvs
Bernie is epic
I love Bernie
Aftermath, you're a National Socialist?
@Gracy are you retarded? bernie isnt a socialist. he doesnt advocate for worker ownership of the means of production, worker coops or anything of that sort. he is a welfare capitalist.
American futurism is a vision for the future in the americans. To briefly explain it its anarcho fascism but not really but that capturea the essence of it @Avgvstvs
@Avgvstvs I mainly just refer to myself as a fascist but i take a lot of influence from national socialism especially its naturalism
@Aftermath ive probably been ns for far longer than you and have read and done far more stfu cunt
@Aftermath And that is fine. I do not care. His existence will get people to look into socialism, find socialists online or read about socialists from the past. He is pushing the envelop. Even if he loses he's already pushing it so far.
Bernie is a Social Democrat that labels himself as a Socialist
I still love his policies
sure zekka, but you havent read a single piece of **actual** fascist theory (Gentile etc.), you dont understand a single bit of economics or how a fascist society would actually function, you just bring out these arbitrary terms and call anyone who has actual interest in making fascism a reality a "materialist"
you have more of a materialist mindset than anyone here
Lol economics
Ok faggot
Keep sperging about muh theory
when it comes down to it you are just an edgy 13 year old who thinks its cool to support extreme political ideologies
Projecting much?
Extremism is pretty edgy already, so you basically become captain obvious (+ hypocrisy) if you point out that he's edgy for it
can you read
We're all extremist edgelords here, no need for shame.
Except then liberals here
Who are just upholding the status quo
I'm not really an extremist but I am pretty far left
What makes you think im only in it for the aesthetics lmao???
I'm pretty far left both socially and economically
There are liberals here? how
because you are theoretically illiterate, and think anyone who reads theory has a materialist mindset
I like the aesthetics of extremism as much as the profits of my ideology.
what are the profits of your ideology
Communism has some pretty decent advantages, if we're not counting the extreme government control of the economy and basically everything
What is theory to you? I can show you everything ive read that could be fascist “theory” and its probably more than youve read in your life
The edgelords are battling it out before our eyes
"squires trial" doesnt count
I read mostly on a kindle because fuck buying physical books
I told you already i didnt like squires trial
And you agreed with me