Message from @Crab Core (CA)
Discord ID: 277305082767212544
not just you
Oh gotcha
hopefully you guys dont hate each other
lmao, i get along with everyone
putting together online groups is like getting fish at the pet store
and sometimes the fish murder each other
unless their a tranny nigger kike or faggot
Dirty feet
we got some traps around
lets be real, we can sort out issues like that
whoever was making those trump shops has gotten insanely good
they used to be awful
after antifa is a thing that you have to read about on wikipedia or history books
t. Iggy Izalea
@DoctorPiss is he here ?
not online right now
the other /baph/ole
ah ok
we were working on [REDACTED]'s friendslist
we have the whole friendlist btw
We need to come together as convenience allies despite our own beliefs being somewhat different
of course it was left wide open
but we're trying to cross reference that Lynette chicks friendslist with it
eh @Crab Core (CA) don't tell me you're altkike tier
there needs to be some perl script that crunches all these friendslists and shows you a relational map
ill fucking pay for it to be developed
I might know some people
something that generates a map
so we can see who has the most friends in common etc inside antifa profiles
anyway we have the [REDACTED] friendslist and lynette still has her friendslist wide open
make a ghostbin explaining what you want and I'll ask them
I'm going to buy a suit of Roman armor, a Scutus shield, a gladius, and slaughter Antifa like the Gallic barbarians they are.