Message from @Mentrex

Discord ID: 531718885960056833

2019-01-07 06:16:15 UTC  

and you arent allowed to store anything in the kitchen

2019-01-07 06:16:36 UTC  

thats pretty shit

2019-01-07 06:16:41 UTC  

soon as i get a few days off im running away to a family members house

2019-01-07 06:16:46 UTC  

Mornin mate

2019-01-07 06:16:52 UTC  


2019-01-07 06:16:56 UTC

2019-01-07 06:17:19 UTC  

this shit just reinforces that the supersize me guy was important

2019-01-07 06:17:36 UTC  

yes and no

2019-01-07 06:17:58 UTC  

wasnt he a vegan or vegeterian or some shit

2019-01-07 06:18:07 UTC  


2019-01-07 06:18:09 UTC  

then went and ate mcds for 30 days

2019-01-07 06:19:17 UTC  

and his doctor made him stop

2019-01-07 06:19:25 UTC  

because he was getting fucked up

2019-01-07 06:20:18 UTC  

we sometimes undervalue how important home cooking really is

2019-01-07 06:20:29 UTC  

uber eats

2019-01-07 06:20:38 UTC  

proper food delivered

2019-01-07 06:20:41 UTC  

also i havent slept for a day

2019-01-07 06:20:46 UTC  

thats also bad

2019-01-07 06:20:52 UTC  

shut up

2019-01-07 06:20:56 UTC  


2019-01-07 06:21:01 UTC  


2019-01-07 06:21:22 UTC  

Don't take cheek from bleedy.

2019-01-07 06:23:16 UTC  

lol its fine im of the dont care what others think of me type of person

2019-01-07 06:26:44 UTC

2019-01-07 06:27:57 UTC  

Special k 👈 👈 👈

2019-01-07 06:31:19 UTC  

Who here is a /grower/ and who is a /shower/

2019-01-07 06:31:25 UTC  

/grower/ lad here

2019-01-07 06:32:20 UTC  

Cannae sleep

2019-01-07 06:32:22 UTC  


2019-01-07 06:34:01 UTC  

Who here is bent

2019-01-07 06:34:06 UTC  

And why did the chat die off

2019-01-07 06:34:16 UTC  

I just got up for my brekkie and it's dead.

2019-01-07 06:34:22 UTC  

No clue

2019-01-07 06:34:40 UTC  

The Tex debate put a lot of people off I think

2019-01-07 06:34:48 UTC  

And teas fucked off to VC

2019-01-07 06:34:56 UTC  

Nah I'm here.

2019-01-07 06:35:04 UTC  

I keep hearing weird noises. Canny even ken wits happening 😂

2019-01-07 06:35:14 UTC  

Canny even ken

2019-01-07 06:35:20 UTC  

Maybe you should lay off mate