Message from @Papa Benz
Discord ID: 533433896709390354
rarw that means i l0ve u in nigger
Get a mic @NoMic
ill buy him one for a kiss
Fucking faggot
buncha poofters
the lot ae yis
Ill try and get some when money comes around
how is this place so full of gays
no u
dude cuz cock is yummy
not enough traps to turn the gays straight
Because Markus is a closeted gay @Potato Man
@Euro Nigga gonna have to leave now
You were literally here for like 45 minutes and you already got septic tank how retarded are you @Runski
Its cheaper than outright getting a microphone
naw get that mic that looks like a snowball
The yeti?
whatever that thing is called
@Papa Benz How much do those go for?
Like 5-15 quid on amazon
The more you pay, the better quality in the case of them
> ur currency sounds like sea food
I look into it,
@Dimorac ^
I had a built in mic once upon of time but I broke the damn thing.
dead sec still a thing? lol