Message from @Dazzie
Discord ID: 538066183535198237
I mean the rad doll?
it is a shoe if you force your foot in
@spiritupgrades yeah he means the ragdoll
She Allergic to fleas so this was an old picture
@scaredycake ☭ so anything qualifies as a shoe?
She’s got treatment for it
@knightwithadullblade i like how u think
Funny enough the gray one is actually the mother to the black cat and the black cat came to my work After the owner didn’t look after him properly
It’s funny how small the world is in a way
Animal fucker detected
What's wrong whee u mate
The fuck
Vote Atomikov! "+giveme fat"
don’t ruin spyro for me
@fuzzyplant Vote Atomikov! "+giveme fat"
Found it on facebook xD
Keklan cast your vote or ur sisters gettin it
@knightwithadullblade dude just says There are more worse pictures than that
I will give you your rank back
Okay I'll vote
You won't though
@Atomikov an even better reason to not vote for you 😂
I've always had whitey
we go way back man
i know man
How dO i vote for Atomikov?
Vote Atomikov! "+giveme fat"
remember it
On your way out the door
<:pepega:537028896437174292> 📣 **WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO**