Message from @JamieDG
Discord ID: 538427828161478657
Yes soup
supreme victory
@Uber_Sheep dribbler
@ó €€ó €€AK no, have standards. Don't thot.
imagine soliciting people on reddit by hanging your tongue out and your posts get barely any upvotes...........
Mental, right?
I don't go for upvotes tho
She goes for attention
you go for creepy comments
Maybe they are
which are fun to read lmao
@Uber_Sheep Spetic is for 1 week for soys who fell from grace
Thats why shes here
@sweatercowsandsass exactly attention, see he gets it
Stop giving her attention and ignore her people
8 people isn't that many
Atomikov voter
bully him
@Tea And what a wonderful grace it was.
@Uber_Sheep For all of 4 minutes
@soup dad noooo I'm saying it's a thought for a thot, just thought it was a funny line up for the words, childish really
Vote for mood. Who is the current mood
@Uber_Sheep once you get stripped of soy
My god
At least my thighs are nic3