Message from @sweatercowsandsass
Discord ID: 538434580907163688
nigga hes gay
What is all this gay shid
use google, find the reddit, upvote some posts
Jackie just plays low bait devils advocate
Is he still alive?
Damnnnn she hella cute
No shes not
Ew no not belle
@Moon Runes that bitch had all her patreon posts leaked lol
jackie is just hard campaigning for the ethot demographic
@JamieDG its on thothub
Jackie likes miri cause he passes better than she does
My ego
Jackie do you need a new faghag? Is that why you're backing her up?
π π π
Jackie just stirs the pot like I do
Like jeez guys what have I done?
jackie has 3 hands
@Miri you're an ethot lmao
Thats what
@sweatercowsandsass and?
And we dont like them? Lmao
Is it not clear?
Like do we really need to make it any clearer? Looool
Okay, but I haven't warrented my thottery
I mean
You have
You did it
Like it's not here
But its easily found
So get over it?
Your twitter is linked to your account
Your patreon is linked in your bio on twitter