Message from @HandyFuckwad
Discord ID: 539174925420724260
Fuck yeah
they'll rot you from the inside out karpo
Fuck yeah they will
Boomer juice
Used to, though they fucked me up a little
How did they fuck you up?
cant wait to get all the chinese exchange students arrested with that meme Codfish
They give renal problems most of the times
not only are they full of sugar that rots your teeth and makes you fat, they're also caffiene packed which makes you dependant on it for your energy, meaning without them you'll start being more sluggish.
My shit is green & mushy. Can y’all diagnose that
@HandyFuckwad Stop eating crayons, sperg
don't drink imo
Yeah energy drinks have too much shit in them.
energy drinks are the devil.
I fucking love that video
perhaps I should reconsider them in that case
what's going on
At least the main stream ones
I just felt sorta shit without them and they would only work for about 20min and then I'd crash. Probably the sugar moreso though
Hey Atomikov! Been well, mate?
so if i already drink tons of soda and drink coffee i might aswell drink energy drinks ? got it.
This is scary. Why so nice
I mean if you replace both of those with one drink you probably are btter off
@Dead you say taht until you need to visit the dentist 21 times in a single year.
@Dead Deathwish, I see
who else here has a lithp?
dino has a lisp
Yes i have been campaigning hard with little success... How you been dude. @Karpo
@Karpo that video was a masterpiece, you should really be a voice actor.
That and I once had like 10 cans of 30p asda drinks and was shaking like mad