Message from @TERMIN8R
Discord ID: 539535724484231179
Could be hungover
haven't seen him on in a while
@Aya just not wanting to do moding i suppose idk
He was here the first day of elections
I swear there was one day when someone linked the discord to 9 gag
ruger said he was occupied for the weekend
it's monday
no rest for the wicked
yah which is odd
Ruger was here a few days ago
Rugers smart man
well, if they've died we might get 3 new mods, so you win some you lose some
I was playing a ship building game called from the depths a few years ago
ruger was a member of the community, and he came up with this rudder setup which allowed for 50m ships to have a 30m turn circle
Torch could just have uni stuff
aiden is gone
but him and big might come back soon
i watched the whole first season
from the depths has the highest hour count in my library
It's Goblin Slayer
I'm gonna head off again, might be on later, not sure
night guys
got 488 hours on it which isn't even that much for FtD
I love his content but his upload schedule is so bad
robbaz is funny
Cya Aya
loved his unarmed playthrough
most people i know have around a couple of thousand hours on ftd
Dimorac so so gay
The game does interest me so much
1-2k hours in FtD is the rule for FtD, not the exception
and the game is very poor on the technical side
@rishib31 Watch it, he could beat your ass all day long and enjoy it until the end