Message from @TERMIN8R
Discord ID: 539537624025530420
but its usually a disgusting bug ridden mess
and you need a pretty beefy computer to handle big block count ships
Is the fun from friends or the game it’s self @TERMIN8R
The game itself is decently fun
you can sink massive hours into it
I like the game but I can't really play it cuz i have a shit attention span
I have dozens of unfinished builds
Ah, like Banjo and Kazooe nuts and bolts
We don't talk about that game
I love that game
it never happened
I won't apologize
FtD is extremely complex compared to banjo kazooie N&B
while most builds in banjo kazooie are under 1k blocks
FtD builds have reached into the 10k-20k range
I remember someone making a 100k block count build
She came in 12:30 flight but got Ebola as soon as she breathed in Africa.
Ever play "Elmer's Cut and build 3D"?
@TERMIN8R I don’t have anything to run it on unfortunately, seems like a thing I’d love tho
you need a decent single core pc to run it
something like an 8600k + gtx 1060
With current accommodation I have no room for a pc, (sigh)
Cut and build 3D was amazing, you would basically 3D model something, then print it out, and build up the shapes with folded paper
Seems messy
It was so rad
it is old enough that I can't seem to find good pictures or video
I will have to try to find my copy and make some
Fort hubberston
a private company is trying to buy it in the UK
To turn it into a place for Army Veterans
to help rehabilitate them back into Civilian life
which hoenstly would be AMAZING!