Message from @KanKan
Discord ID: 541629294703542274
hopefully you'll find a way to get well mate but i aint got crippled legs@Lily HoshikOwO
Why are we deus vulting btw?
aye, they cant be crippled if they aint there buddy
slow down bois
just meddling with you, thanks for the well-wishes
why not? crusading is fun
that new nick is a woosh for me
@Crz333 because we are taking evropa back, and we are gonna make it great again
Ever had celery with phillidelphia in the middle of it
Doesn't seem gross at all
Fuck thats the shit
That is the shitt
Lorne where was that from and for why
you goys don't remember soy epidemic of last year?
jeez, you ARE new
not you
oof tuned
i dont even bother at this point
who put 50p in the dickhead
You know its bad when ben doesnt even bother with lornes patter
i dont even remember what made him try to roast me at the start 😂
probably you being a sped, lets be honest
I never got that
low testosterone, always smiling
high testosterone, barely smiles
It was for nothing an attempt at patter
I did it for a chuckle