Message from @Bunnny

Discord ID: 434130164197097472

2018-04-12 23:16:07 UTC  

keep the swears down, fucking democrat

2018-04-12 23:16:10 UTC  


2018-04-12 23:16:14 UTC  

im not a democrat

2018-04-12 23:16:15 UTC  


2018-04-12 23:16:15 UTC  

@Bunnny Just a more permanent and horrifying version of dress up

2018-04-12 23:16:23 UTC  

lmao truuu

2018-04-12 23:16:30 UTC  

i hate democrats my dude they just as bad as your republicans

2018-04-12 23:16:36 UTC  

not really but k

2018-04-12 23:16:44 UTC  

@Haist You cannot fix someone like that. You can only help them fix themselves

2018-04-12 23:16:58 UTC  

LGBT don't go together

2018-04-12 23:17:07 UTC  

i know this person that is gay

2018-04-12 23:17:16 UTC  

what I mean by that, is that there is treatment for being trans

2018-04-12 23:17:17 UTC  

fun fact

2018-04-12 23:17:21 UTC  

we took a dick up the ass for 8 years but sucked it up when Obama was president, during the 2016 election, libtards couldnt even stand a day without breaking windows

2018-04-12 23:17:29 UTC  


2018-04-12 23:17:54 UTC  

@Bunnny trump lost the popular vote

2018-04-12 23:17:58 UTC  

and hes clueless asf

2018-04-12 23:18:03 UTC  

and a serial liar

2018-04-12 23:18:03 UTC  


2018-04-12 23:18:13 UTC  

Free amusement for us

2018-04-12 23:18:16 UTC  

doesnt matter if a candidate loses the popular vote, it depends on the electoral college

2018-04-12 23:18:24 UTC  

electoral college bad

2018-04-12 23:18:31 UTC  

thats your reasoning?

2018-04-12 23:18:32 UTC  

some argue he wouldn't have lost due to the illegal immigration voting and fake accounts

2018-04-12 23:18:53 UTC  
2018-04-12 23:18:57 UTC  

@Bunnny it makes a person in montanas vote worth over 5 times the worth of a person in californias vote

2018-04-12 23:19:10 UTC  

@THE DONALD that aint true tho

2018-04-12 23:19:11 UTC  


2018-04-12 23:19:26 UTC  

You don't believe me, but you believe the election was influenced by the Russians

2018-04-12 23:19:33 UTC  


2018-04-12 23:19:48 UTC  

Democrats literally cant believe Trump won my m8

2018-04-12 23:19:57 UTC  


2018-04-12 23:19:58 UTC  

they blame the Russians for a year, now this pornstar

2018-04-12 23:20:14 UTC  

yet they were preaching all over social media " wE HaVe tO aCcEpT The OuTcOmE NoMaTtEr WhAt"

2018-04-12 23:20:43 UTC  

@THE DONALD did you just assume my beliefs

2018-04-12 23:20:49 UTC  

damn right

2018-04-12 23:20:51 UTC  


2018-04-12 23:21:08 UTC  

@Donaldus Triumphus América 24, recently referred to just as A 24, is an Argentine news cable channel. Founded in 2005 by PRAMER, it replaced a previous 24/7 news channel, CVN. Wikipedia

2018-04-12 23:21:12 UTC  
