Message from @An Elbow

Discord ID: 439189696808222720

2018-04-26 22:05:32 UTC  

Like I said earlier, he was the best option given the circumstances

2018-04-26 22:06:26 UTC  

Why not Hillary?

2018-04-26 22:06:36 UTC  

Everyone said Soros is a Nazi

2018-04-26 22:07:19 UTC  

Are you high?@PizzaPants

2018-04-26 22:08:52 UTC  

Those accusations come from people who are playing by the same rules as Democrats - racism is evil and Nazis are the ultimate villains. It’s noise and doesn’t even address the core of what makes Soros a villain figure.

2018-04-26 22:10:14 UTC  

@PizzaPants Would you mind translating this: "Why not Hillary?" Into English?

2018-04-26 22:11:03 UTC  

"Soros is a Nazi" "Soros owns Hillary"

2018-04-26 22:11:58 UTC  

Forgive my ignorance but.... where does he come in?

2018-04-26 22:12:21 UTC  

Well a Nazi should vote for his buddies

2018-04-26 22:12:43 UTC  

So what did Soros do if he's not a Nazi?

2018-04-26 22:12:55 UTC  

Hex is implying that I should support Hillary because Soros is allegedly a Nazi (false) and owns Hillary (partially true)

2018-04-26 22:13:51 UTC  

Why would this be relevant though?

2018-04-26 22:15:14 UTC  

I don’t remember his exact account but if I recall correctly he went around helping identify some Hungarian Jews or something in order to blend in and avoid suspicion of being Jewish himself. Which you can accuse him of being a coward and traitor to his own people by aiding Nazis but not that he himself was a National Socialist, that’s just silly.

2018-04-26 22:16:28 UTC  

That’s like calling Kapos Nazis

2018-04-26 22:17:44 UTC  

Still, I don't see the relevance. When you think a puppet is a complete and utter idiot and a liar and unhealthy, their puppeteer possibly sharing some of your beliefs doesn't magically make them a better candidate...

2018-04-26 22:18:33 UTC  

Well why vote for Trump since he has betrayed your race?

2018-04-26 22:19:26 UTC  

Do I need to say “he was the best option given the circumstances” for a third time or are you deliberately ignoring that because you’re not interested in arguing in good faith?

2018-04-26 22:21:18 UTC  

1. I'm African, here for entertainment.
2. When did he betray peach people?
3. If I were American, I'd have voted for him because he is as Ben puts it, better.

2018-04-26 22:21:59 UTC  

Trump is no God but next to Hillary, he's close enough

2018-04-26 22:22:00 UTC  

How is he better than Ted Cruz?

2018-04-26 22:23:03 UTC  

No freaking clue. But I'm pretty sure the race was between Trump and Hillary. So why bring him up?

2018-04-26 22:23:32 UTC  

Cruz was the most likely candidate to beat him in the primaries so it’s not entirely irrelevant

2018-04-26 22:23:40 UTC  

Because the US has Primary elections

2018-04-26 22:24:13 UTC  


2018-04-26 22:24:23 UTC  

Pointless complexity

2018-04-26 22:24:37 UTC  

If you wanted a white alley to win the election you could have voted Cruz

2018-04-26 22:24:58 UTC  

Cruz wouldn’t have won against Hillary though. They’d be playing by the same rules as always. Trump won in no small part due to rejecting established conventions

2018-04-26 22:25:39 UTC  

Lol it’s a pointless complexity if you’d rather live in a country that wants to rob white land owners of all their property

2018-04-26 22:26:04 UTC  

Hillary is white

2018-04-26 22:26:13 UTC  

Don’t get me wrong I like Cruz to an extent

2018-04-26 22:26:27 UTC  

Ok, Hillary is white. Good eyeballs

2018-04-26 22:26:42 UTC  

Hillary only cares about herself, she hates POCs

2018-04-26 22:29:20 UTC  

Which is why she was campaigning against racist, sexist, white America right? Just because she’s a cynic and selfish means it’s a-okay if the policies she champions are anti-white as long as she doesn’t really believe in it deep down

2018-04-26 22:30:15 UTC  

She didn't do anything for feminism in her whole career

2018-04-26 22:30:24 UTC  

Why would she start now?

2018-04-26 22:30:44 UTC  

Because she’s a weathervane and that’s the direction the wind is blowing

2018-04-26 22:31:01 UTC  

@Ben Garrison I wouldn't rather have my land appropriation without compensation, but America is different. You don't have as many people voting for someone just for their race.
Our problems can be solved with education (like teaching people that you can't just take land from someone who has bought it or inherited it legally, they need compensation or to be left alone).

2018-04-26 22:31:23 UTC  

It’s like Martin O’Malley said during the primaries, “Polls.”

2018-04-26 22:31:47 UTC  

You're an idiot.

2018-04-26 22:32:10 UTC  

Like honesty you think she'd start killing robbing whites?

2018-04-26 22:32:42 UTC  

When did I ever imply it would be that severe or violent?