Message from @Donaldus Triumphus

Discord ID: 447167739325448194

2018-05-17 06:12:54 UTC  

Reagan is God, Trump is God Emperor

2018-05-17 06:13:04 UTC  


2018-05-17 06:14:37 UTC  


2018-05-17 06:21:18 UTC  

Lumping Jackson with the Democratic Party of today should be a criminal offense

2018-05-17 06:26:43 UTC  

lol yeah

2018-05-17 06:29:10 UTC  

george bush looks so cute whenever he smiles like wtf, george bush is a teddy bear robot confirmed **LUMINATI CONSPIRAACYY***

2018-05-17 06:29:24 UTC  


2018-05-17 15:06:48 UTC  

eh getting better

2018-05-17 22:50:32 UTC

2018-05-17 22:50:57 UTC  

This whole group is nothing but Good Goys and it’s sad

2018-05-17 22:55:28 UTC  

Goys? It's goyim, fellow goy

2018-05-18 13:45:58 UTC  

Either one works

2018-05-18 21:44:42 UTC  

democrats r commies at this point lmao

2018-05-18 21:53:05 UTC  

>Defends Capitalism

2018-05-18 22:10:09 UTC  

>meme arrows

2018-05-18 22:16:48 UTC  

They're convenient.

2018-05-18 22:16:59 UTC  

They are, it's true.

2018-05-18 22:17:00 UTC  

Like suicide

2018-05-18 22:17:14 UTC  

One day people will realize Dems are center-right, I have faith

2018-05-18 22:40:25 UTC  

dems r closeted communists

2018-05-18 22:44:57 UTC  


2018-05-18 22:49:09 UTC  

>When the most Bourgeois state in the union is suddenly Communist.

2018-05-18 22:49:22 UTC  

"dems r closeted communists"

2018-05-18 22:50:20 UTC  

*Laughs in having actually read writings from actual Communists.*

2018-05-18 22:52:07 UTC  

Daily reminder Dems and Repubs are the exact same shit with different faces. It's both Liberalism.

2018-05-18 22:54:55 UTC  

Congrats on becoming an official Trump Supporter, Wisent

2018-05-18 22:55:02 UTC  


2018-05-18 22:55:04 UTC  

It's an annoying role.

2018-05-18 22:55:12 UTC  


2018-05-18 22:55:21 UTC  

Its an honor and a privilege

2018-05-18 22:55:24 UTC  


2018-05-18 22:55:54 UTC  

Not to someone who appears to be quite leftist lmao

2018-05-18 22:56:12 UTC  

oof true true

2018-05-18 22:56:23 UTC  

he *does* argue literally everything

2018-05-18 22:57:01 UTC  

So do I, that's not the leftist qualifying aspect

2018-05-18 22:57:09 UTC  

I mean

2018-05-18 22:57:14 UTC  

you're pretty ok

2018-05-18 22:59:14 UTC  

@Scholarly Wisent You can take the promotion or leave it, I gave it to you as a title for recruiting 3 members

2018-05-18 22:59:25 UTC  

wait is that how we get promotions

2018-05-18 22:59:26 UTC  

Dont want the privileges, I can remove them

2018-05-18 22:59:35 UTC  

It's fine.