Message from @CaffeineSwirl
Discord ID: 511673708683853864
Im glad he is anti muslim.
They do nothing to improve nations.
Unless you consider rape and murder an improvement.
White people are only terrible when they apologize and listen to pathetic plebs like you
People like you think you can feed me a bowl of freshly brewed bullshit, but on God, I will always shove it right back up into your face.
People like you are the reason aliens never visit Earth.
"You may all go to Hell, and I will go to Texas."
-Davy Crockett
"It’s better to die on your feet than to live on your knees."
-Emiliano Zapata
"A coward dies a thousand deaths, the gallant never taste of death but once."
-Julius Caesar
We don't?
You black?
@Sike Hey stop with the offensive remarks, no ones discriminating against you. This is a warning you liberal degenerate
Whether if it's trolling or not (probably is)
@Sike I'm not sure I get the seasoning joke
hello people
My English teacher is a feminist, she reviewed a book that tells a story about a transgender. It wasn't long before I was pulled out of the classroom for saying "Transgenders are why aliens don't visit Earth very often"
I was waiting in the hall while she continued to review the book and I'm just out there thinking about this.
True story, it happened a couple weeks ago. After she was done reviewing the book, she came out in the hall and told me about people's feelings.
**Facts don't care about feelings**
Okay, this is epic
Feelings matter more then facts.
Creation and destruction coexist. Can’t have one without the other.
Is he even saying anything?
I don't understand that at all.
What states do you think will be tossups in 2020?
honestly no clue
Minnesota and Virginia will probably be in play.