Message from @Drlichking
Discord ID: 443241586894045215
Nope can't stand pinkos
so you're looking for a convo or a debate
Debate kinda
maybe @Ben Garrison would be interested, he's a national socialist
ain't that right Ben
Wanting to see if there might be any good possible National Idealists here
Greetings Ben
I'm sure a lot of people here are national idealists, they just don't know what it is
Greetings Keaton
I want to make sure you understand were closer to ben here than to Conservatives
I figured based on the BUF looking profile pic
Ben would you be interested. We are not a LARP group but a political party
I am interested, haven't heard of it before
If this convo goes on longer than 3 minutes, take it to general politics for me, will you?
Thanks, going to continue my poem
not a hippie
@Drlichking Welcome
Sup nigga
Dope bro
Make sure to read the rules, don't want discord on our ass due to the nazis
Ya I saw lol
Thanks m8
Ya urwlcm😘
***u trying to hit on me***
***A gay nazi?***
***not bad***
Hell no id kys
O rly
Remove D E G E N E R A T E S
I think he's gay boss
No ononononono