Message from @Donaldus Triumphus
Discord ID: 462837005399752705
Said Donaldus
Mine's glorious m8
Mines unique m8
k m8
Shut up scrub
k m8
@nodopa hey m8
@Donaldus Triumphus you used lenient wrong bro change it to liberal/conservative leaning
k m8
hi im new
I'm a shitposter general from the 38th meme brigade
I just got back from my tour in Italy
Italy I see
good for you m8
Going away for a couple months to a different country
We liberated alot of people man
You participate in the Great Meme War?
Well anyways I'm just a far right conservative. Yes I did working with Brother Nathanael
good to know
I'm a Holiness Preacher
far right you say
You a natsoc?
I'm a Nationalist but I'd say more of a Byzantine style
Whatever you say pal
Nazis aren't cool enough for me
Byzantine is better
The one reich lasted a thousand years actually
Sorry I didn't study enough about that
give me a brief explanation what it was again
Yeah Byzantium was a big boner for Hitler
Kind of his dream
what ended it?
100 different problems happening all at the same time
What in the god damn is a Byzantine nationalist