Message from @Donaldus Triumphus

Discord ID: 465784393630220288

I think it would be more beneficial to the inhabitants of California and to the entirety of the U.S. if they split the state, otherwise you're not controlling the core problem that California faces.

That being, their distribution and representation.

2018-07-09 07:28:51 UTC  

Except if you split them such that they become three blue states or even two blue states and one red it’s only make the problem a bit worse because that’s four more senate seats in the California area.

It's two red states and a blue.

2018-07-09 07:29:42 UTC  


Yeah, roughly.

2018-07-09 07:30:23 UTC  

Nah it'd be better, the amount of electoral college votes are based on population right. So nomatter what, they'd still get less

2018-07-09 07:30:52 UTC  

cali is like 55 in total

2018-07-09 07:31:16 UTC  

if 2 states were blue and 1 red, it would still be an improvement

2018-07-09 07:32:20 UTC  

No they’re based on population from the Congressional seats but also the Senate seats

Besides, you have to think about the inhabitants of California. Would you want to be a conservative living in a state controlled by liberals, despite the fact that you don't even live in the same area with the same concentrations of people?

2018-07-09 07:33:05 UTC  

And if it’s two blue one red that’s still worse in the long term by having 4 blue senators and 2 red

I'm a firm believer in state's rights, so I think it would be good to give that control back to the states.

2018-07-09 07:35:15 UTC  

So California has 2 senate and 53 House of Rep

2018-07-09 07:35:31 UTC  

2 senates is just 2 electoral votes :L

2018-07-09 07:35:47 UTC  

But I dont think theyd get 53 rep votes if they split into 2/3

2018-07-09 07:36:14 UTC  

and thats combined

2018-07-09 07:36:40 UTC  

The Rep votes are the prime concern

I think it's more about the individual state. Like, the problems that come with governing a state that big.

2018-07-09 07:40:35 UTC  

Well I mean Texas can do it fine4

2018-07-09 07:40:53 UTC  

but thats cuz they are repub

Their state is a lot different.

2018-07-09 07:41:05 UTC  


California struggles with a lot of problems unique to their shitty state, at the moment.

2018-07-09 07:43:51 UTC  


2018-07-09 07:44:05 UTC  

splitting it might actually be a good idea

2018-07-09 07:44:08 UTC  

but still lol

2018-07-09 07:44:21 UTC  

The 51/52 states of the United States kinda odd

Yeah, I mean, it's risky to split the state, but it could be a good thing

2018-07-09 07:50:36 UTC  


2018-07-09 08:06:09 UTC  

@Donaldus Triumphus that video is horrifying...

2018-07-09 08:06:29 UTC  


2018-07-09 08:07:17 UTC  


2018-07-09 08:08:24 UTC  

and u thought Africa was bad

2018-07-09 08:09:11 UTC  

Oh it is worse, in the good way...

2018-07-09 08:09:25 UTC  

***in the good way*** lol

2018-07-09 08:10:58 UTC  

Well... instead of having as many panzy movements (they are arriving from America, just hasn't caught on yet), we have more rape, theft, riots and murder

2018-07-09 08:11:24 UTC  

And generally, self defence is illegal

2018-07-09 08:12:19 UTC  

sounds like California ***HA HA HA***

2018-07-09 08:12:28 UTC  


2018-07-09 08:12:33 UTC  

k m8