Message from @Grucifer
Discord ID: 478887191012048906
Hey @fghjk most people aren't interested and you're technically spamming the link. Can I ask you to stop with the link?
Both countries are both in the world bank
Bank for international settlements*
It's designed to do two things. One is increase tensions with Russia. Second is to prevent people from testifying against Browder.
ok,i really couldn't care
I also have Browder's 2015 deposition as well
Both countries are just puppets
of the bank for international settlements
It proves Browder perjured himself during his senate testimony
Thats warning 1
That's a link to the 2015 deposition
Its regarding the same topic
Just stahp
It's also related to the Trump Tower meeting as well
I'm not a conservative,im a voluntarist libertarian (a real libertarian,not the regressives)
Natalia Veselnitskaya is not some random Russian lawyer and she isn't kremlin agent either
(Before the feminist outbreak)
An anarchist
I want voluntarism
So you're a present day
They're statists
Im an anarchist
**so you're not a liberal**
Natalia Veselnitskaya was investigating Bill Browder and was trying to warn Trump Jr. I can prove that as well
@Grucifer yes i am, u muricans use liberal to describe socialists n shit
I have her RT interview
I use the terms in the traditional sense
I also have her senate testimony