Message from @E4S1911-MN
Discord ID: 279341005201735680
Too late
>all modern helmet designs
I did
Enjoy your limited mobility/heat exhaustion
It looks hilarious
Side pouches to hold the plates, not even with plates, is gonna run 150-some factorybucs
Because 5.11 has the only model with adjustable ride height
Get lbt
This is all you neee
And i want to run six of them- experimental body armor prototyping is retarded
Easy, i don't exactly intend to serious run twelve pound steel pauldrons
that's retarded
but, here's the funny shit, even with uhmwp plates to cut it down to ~6lbs per shoulder it's still cheaper and has greater coverage than the HASP plate carrier spaulders by spartan armor
And it makes you look like a molle wearing samurai, fampai
I'll just wear my front and back plates
But rifle-grade shoulder and thigh coverage
Lol no
Speed is my security
I'm also a manlet I can't be wearing all that shit
*shrug* i understand the dynamic, i just bet against critical hits
>critical hits
Dude war isn't an rpg
And I'm genetically built to tolerate the increased endurance requirements
CNS and arterial hit are by definition critical
Everybody is fucking autotuning today
Love raver chicks
STDs, the photo
Good timing for me to pop back in to the chat.
I don't care
Raver chicks are confirmed THOTS
Pump and dump