Message from @The Wise Guy

Discord ID: 545013365391753220

2019-02-12 20:52:31 UTC  

<:REEEEEE:475765392489578497> where's this gay server

2019-02-12 20:53:31 UTC  


2019-02-12 20:53:34 UTC  

>The funniest characteristic of the Democrat must be the vacant epistemology upon which all their snide and smarmy quips are based: the Democrat knows only what the Dem is told and speaks only what is issued to them by their authorities. Where lockstep messaging were the hallmarks of strong parties of the past, the homogeneity endemic to today's Democrats reflects their profound vacuity. Their mediagenic steadfastness braces them against heaving social and cultural trends with only the most tiresomely tested-and-found-lacking ideas from the previous century: globalization and endless war chief among them. If Democrats were honest and reflective, they would admit we do not have obvious ideas of what is best, only lots of data about what to avoid and what does not work well. When the Democrats hire shills to brace the heaving society around them, they do so under the unpromising assumption that they are more intelligent than everyone else and they need only speak their gilded speech to persuade the desperate to be lead plebs. If this was true to any dimension, there would be no President Trump nor Brexit. But to return to what is so funny about the Democrat partisan wasting xir time on per-volume-priced postings in "enemy" social media is how vested and serious xey take xir role. They see themselves romantically, no doubt, quite literally engaged in a "fight" as clearly as they understand the term. Its breathtaking to behold their unabashed myopia, their poorly constructed thoughts, their emotive triggers. So much is transparent to /pol/ that I cannot help but smdh and smdh purgatively at Democrats' hilarious wastes of money and human energies, but then again, they're Democrats, so what did I expect?

2019-02-12 20:54:33 UTC  

Basically dems have a savior complex and are never wrong

2019-02-12 22:29:14 UTC  

My ex argued with that size of text

2019-02-12 22:42:43 UTC  

I was banned from a Muslim discord server.

2019-02-12 22:42:54 UTC  

For literally being a pasifist.

2019-02-12 22:43:01 UTC  

I did not call their religion savage 1 time.

2019-02-12 22:43:04 UTC  

It was hard not to.

2019-02-12 22:43:12 UTC  

But honestly this proves my point about Islam.

2019-02-12 22:43:19 UTC  

Banned for not supporting murder.

2019-02-12 22:43:21 UTC  

Not suprising.

2019-02-12 22:45:09 UTC  

I should post videos of people killing the ragheads on their server

@Iwmstang chat here please

***I feel insulted***"

oh fuck you might kill me with these tier 100 insults

well thats gay

2019-02-12 22:48:32 UTC  

Hey who ye calling asshole tough guy?

doesn't exist

2019-02-12 22:49:15 UTC  

So what you doing here?

I can send you an image a friend gave me, explaining exactly how republicans are

its claiming that back when Republican and Democrats were created

since back then, the democrats wanted slavery and everything

they formed the republican party for blacks

and the democrats

2019-02-12 22:52:03 UTC  

they wanted to see a nazi

2019-02-12 22:52:43 UTC  

Why are you a queer?

nah, thats not what happened

2019-02-12 22:52:50 UTC  

Poor choice all around

2019-02-12 22:53:04 UTC  

No he didn’t lmao

2019-02-12 22:53:35 UTC  

Nah, queers are groomed by queer adults when they’re children

2019-02-12 22:53:47 UTC  

Was it an uncle or a family friend that touched you?

2019-02-12 22:54:40 UTC  

What a bunch of nonsense platitudes

2019-02-12 22:54:45 UTC  

“Love is love”