Message from @Obungus

Discord ID: 545455623832338442

2019-02-14 04:00:20 UTC  

there will be many

2019-02-14 04:00:24 UTC  

and one great one

2019-02-14 04:00:25 UTC  

im not sleepy yet, someone throw a topic out for debate

2019-02-14 04:00:29 UTC  

who this shall be is unknown

2019-02-14 04:00:46 UTC  

yo when is jesus coming back

2019-02-14 04:00:56 UTC  


2019-02-14 04:00:57 UTC  

not soon enough

2019-02-14 04:01:46 UTC  

Matthew 24:36 King James Version (KJV)

36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

2019-02-14 04:02:26 UTC  

James 5:1

Now listen, you cis white males, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you.

2019-02-14 04:04:20 UTC  

you're silly

2019-02-14 04:05:04 UTC  

Shutup WOMAN

2019-02-14 04:05:06 UTC  

1 Timothy 2:12 King James Version (KJV)

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

2019-02-14 04:05:17 UTC  


2019-02-14 04:05:24 UTC  

I was wearing my new trump hat at school and someone called me racist

2019-02-14 04:05:31 UTC  


2019-02-14 04:05:37 UTC  

not you. i meant hcaez

2019-02-14 04:05:44 UTC  


2019-02-14 04:05:50 UTC  


2019-02-14 04:05:51 UTC  

the bible said that

2019-02-14 04:05:54 UTC  

Obviously they don't know that black people cant be racist

2019-02-14 04:05:54 UTC  

I was talking to thot

2019-02-14 04:06:06 UTC  

which thot?

2019-02-14 04:06:11 UTC  

Begon thot

2019-02-14 04:06:25 UTC  

lol oh i didnt notice

2019-02-14 04:06:29 UTC  

As I was saying

2019-02-14 04:06:43 UTC  

only white people can be rayciss

2019-02-14 04:06:58 UTC  

Black people cant be racist

2019-02-14 04:07:02 UTC  


2019-02-14 04:07:04 UTC  

i know. i'm bieng sarcastic

2019-02-14 04:07:06 UTC  

Now pay up your reperations

2019-02-14 04:07:15 UTC  

But some one called me racist

2019-02-14 04:07:22 UTC  

cause they are retarded

2019-02-14 04:07:29 UTC  

And im black

2019-02-14 04:07:46 UTC  

Like what

2019-02-14 04:08:07 UTC  

Leftists need to pick one

2019-02-14 04:08:11 UTC  

blacks dont like other blacks that use facts and logics. they love their herd mentality

2019-02-14 04:08:19 UTC  


2019-02-14 04:08:35 UTC  

well ill send you a check thot

2019-02-14 04:08:35 UTC  

Its true for almost everybody here

2019-02-14 04:09:03 UTC  

why does someone who has my digits, text me on steam? that's retarded and makes zero sense

2019-02-14 04:09:24 UTC  

Trying to have an intelligent discussion about why they hate trump all they can reply with is buzzwords