Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 287817290475503616
As long as you're not pro-homosexuality, I don't care what your orientation is
pick one
Right libertardian detected
rohm was homo tho
I'm cutebritgfsexual :3
rohm was killed
Yeah but not for that
Thanks for taking away verified only mate
yeah no im not prohomo just dont give a shit so long as faggots arent in my or anyones face with dicks
Hitler did nothing wrong
Yes he did
he lost
he did something wrong
lel ye
He lost
how many gas chambers does it take to get to the center of a jewishroll jewishpop
6 gorilon
6 gorillian
>Hitler floating on a comfy cloud
Hitler - 6,000,000
Stalin - 0
political compass
shieldbro is my hero
same tbh
Evening friends
Guten Abend
Other than the military and culture of Fascism, I support it
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe can you vc?
not now but a bit later