Message from @hcaez
Discord ID: 547208717456638003
Unless Trump campaigns there
check <#418667927169138688> for some 2020 predictions
hm so
many democratic candidates are women, split voting
some popular faces
an independent schultz
yep trumps winning this 110%
I want Ron paul
I want a weeb president
I’d love to. But I’d quickly go dictator status. It’s what America needs tho
Until the degeneracy is cleansed
That always works well
Hi obonkey!!! How was your weekend?
Pretty nice, thanks for asking!
Fuck wrong emoji
The 2nd one is right one
@hcaez stupid cis white male, i want a muslim gay transgendered woman
We will pay them reparations as well
Sorry for not being active in a while hi republicans
hello Republican
Man talking to another fellow Republican for me is a treat because my class is filled with liberals
where do you live?
fuck the GOP
am I right or am I right?
I live in texas
you're so right you're left
The liberal part of texas
El Paso?
Nah not that liberal
South Montgomery county. The most liberal part in my county
My classmates will be crying once we come back from presidents day
Speaking of presidents day happy presidents day to the 45th POTUS
do they actually get that triggered?
Are schools really that bad now ?
as expected