Message from @D3VNT
Discord ID: 278248652068225025
rip my good manners
"Hillary dead in horrific accident? It's time for the first dead president!"
@regularperson5656 waifu right there
I'm as gay as a unicorn riding a unicorn but damn
She's cute af
I need sauce on her
where did the helicopter meme come from
throwing them from choppers
@GunsNdrums the hearts of the people
i hear that
Chilean dictator that "dissapeared" communists
Why tf is there memes on the official twitter
Ah right
physical removal
>you can't just throw communists from helicopters
>that's where you're wrong kiddo
@British the bong has a pretty good point actually. We shouldn't just be throwing out silly memes.
This chat went to autism quite quickly
It's sourced with people from 4chan
@British ikr, what do you think about my proposal for a British anticom group?
Don't know what else you expected
New thread
Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schulz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!