Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 277926075382890497
what does our flag look like?!?!
it's almost as if we have a lot of unironic natsocs 😄
is in server pic?
Hello fellow commie haters.
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Mate I'm perfectly fine with that, I'm just saying that we've got plenty of anti-communist anti-leftist groups that are all pretty much nobodies. We need to go mainstream if we actually want to make a difference.
Look at how RWSS worked
just look at that
Chill out with the whole "you just want power!" thing, I don't want shit. Fuck off if you think otherwise.
Ah, Ich spreche Englisch und Deutsch, entschuldigung.
"I don't need power goy I just need to be in charge and people need to take orders from us"
@Anticom LR Are you referring to me?
We're talking about doing a more involved version of RWSS
I didn't mean to come across that way, sorry.
I don't want to be in charge at all. I've literally said I don't want to do anything irl.
RWSS worked because it was decentralized with a clear central goal
Half the people in here are way too powerhungry
Not sure why you think I'm powerhungry kek I'm just making designs for anticom.
@gabe_brouse me?
then why are you advocating for central control so much lol
@Anticom LR Not doing anything irl is the best option
LR doesn't need to be a figurehead or have much power to perform basic administrative functions.
I'm not advocating for central control, chill out with the whole government complex
you only need administrative functions for things like civil service, cleaning up after protests etc
and Haupsturm has that under control i think'
I'm advocating for one group to rally under instead of 50 anti-communist groups in general that stand for nothing and are not mainstream at all
Quite so
And running the twitter and appointing mods
Anticom doesn't need to have an autistic ranking system