Message from @WoofahRayet

Discord ID: 670910871865786388

2020-01-26 08:34:10 UTC  

It’s like she snorted bath salts up her butt

2020-01-26 08:34:11 UTC  


2020-01-26 08:34:20 UTC  

cali border is like 5 hrs from her

2020-01-26 08:34:20 UTC  

Bitches be wack

2020-01-26 08:34:21 UTC  


2020-01-26 08:34:23 UTC  

But like

2020-01-26 08:34:26 UTC  

N cali is better

2020-01-26 08:34:31 UTC  


2020-01-26 08:34:36 UTC  

I’m biased but yup

2020-01-26 08:36:16 UTC  


2020-01-26 08:38:03 UTC  

ok im done

2020-01-26 08:38:08 UTC  

im sorry its just too fucking crazy

2020-01-26 08:38:15 UTC  

im in a fucking 3 year relationship

2020-01-26 08:38:18 UTC  

theyre asking this shit

2020-01-26 08:38:22 UTC  

i think

2020-01-26 08:38:29 UTC  

shes trying to fuck with u

2020-01-26 08:38:37 UTC  

i dont think this is fucking serious

2020-01-26 08:38:47 UTC  

i've met crazy people but thats on a whole nother level

2020-01-26 08:39:06 UTC  

@dani(el) Don’t give your ex any more attention at all. Just stop responding right away. Ghost her. She’s gonna keep going stuff to try to get you close to her again. She’ll guilt trip you. Manipulate you. Do whatever she can to keep you around. Just ghost her. Change your number if you can. Fully block her on everything. If she knows stuff to readd you on stuff, make new accounts and make sure there is no one that knows them that could possibly tell her.

2020-01-26 08:39:21 UTC  

dude shes 100% serious lmao shes insane

2020-01-26 08:40:16 UTC  

If there are people that you hang out with that you and her know, it might be best to not hang out with them for a while. She will has them to get intel on you.

2020-01-26 08:41:42 UTC  

she used to call the cops on me

2020-01-26 08:41:43 UTC  

and say i hit her lmao

2020-01-26 08:41:49 UTC  

she had me by the balls for years

2020-01-26 08:42:02 UTC  

In all seriousness, just block the thing and move along. As you've said, youre in a 3-year relationship. Why even cater to it when you have something clearly better

2020-01-26 08:43:01 UTC  


2020-01-26 08:43:46 UTC  

Yeah she sounds like a major narcissist

2020-01-26 08:43:57 UTC  


2020-01-26 08:44:00 UTC  

where is she

2020-01-26 08:44:04 UTC  

on the hot/crazy scale

2020-01-26 08:44:05 UTC  

oh she is extremely narcissistic

2020-01-26 08:44:17 UTC  

Ah yah good questions. Does she live close to you?

2020-01-26 08:44:18 UTC  

uhhh she was attractive when we met

2020-01-26 08:44:25 UTC  

then she got fat and crazy

2020-01-26 08:44:27 UTC  

Oh oops

2020-01-26 08:44:38 UTC  

But yeah does she live close to you?

2020-01-26 08:44:41 UTC  

not now

2020-01-26 08:44:46 UTC  

That’s good

2020-01-26 08:44:52 UTC  

which is partially why i dont feel as threatened i guess

2020-01-26 08:45:01 UTC  

Yeah the distance helps for sure.

2020-01-26 08:45:08 UTC  

if the hot crazy scale doesnt equal out, bruh dump dat biche faster than u dump in a toilet